Intentionality of Discipleship

Have you ever heard it said, or even said this yourself, “Spiritual maturity is a natural by-product of a believer in Christ.” That statement is true in a sense, but it is like saying, “I will be lean and fit if I join a gym.”

Tony Randolph, business director of Regular Baptist Press, led 26 workshop participants through the process of creating intentional disciples, as he presented the workshop “Intentional Discipleship through Small Groups.”

He first walked through the steps of setting the groundwork, enlisting and setting up guidelines for a small group. This consists of outreach to the unchurched, engaging casual church attenders, and having a small group covenant. Randolph stressed that the small group covenant is essential in getting small group members to “buy in” and in setting their expectations.

Randolph then went into five keys of a healthy small group: the Word of God, mutual care, accountability, praying together, and reaching out. He shared personal experiences from his 30-plus years of leading small groups, providing practical applications for the five keys.

Many questions were asked during the Q&A session, which concluded the workshop. One of the attendees says, “Now I know what I have been doing wrong and why I haven’t seen the spiritual growth that I so desired of my small group members.”

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