Virtual RBP Women’s Bible Studies Continue during COVID-19

COVID-19 and the prohibition against meeting in groups haven’t stopped women using RBP Women’s Bible Studies from using the internet to study God’s Word together. Meet Lisa and Quortney, who are leading Bible studies in very different ways.

Lisa Myers, Women’s Bible Study Leader

Open Bible next to laptop with woman's hands on each side of the Bible

Lisa Myers leads women’s Bible studies at Delhi Baptist Church in Jerseyville, Illinois. In praying about the next study, she considered Thy Will Be Done, on the books of Habakkuk and Jonah, and King Over All, a study of Daniel—both by Dorothy Davis. The Holy Spirit led Lisa to choose King Over All, which she says, “has proven to be very timely with the changes due to the COVID 19 pandemic.”

Unable to meet in person with women, Lisa turned to Zoom for meeting virtually. “Our first Zoom meeting went well,” she says, “with about ten in attendance.” Two women were unable to connect for the first meeting but got the glitches worked out by the second. “Each woman has been very eager to participate and is grateful for the mechanism to be able to meet,” Lisa says. And the medium of meeting virtually has increased, rather than hindered, participation. “Even those who are usually reticent to answer questions have been more forthcoming.” Lisa shares that the women have been thankful for the time of fellowship and prayer.

Quortney Jernigan, Women’s Bible Study Leader

Quortney Jernigan with open study Bible in front of herQuortney Jernigan lives in southeast Georgia, where she attends Liberty Baptist Church in Lyons. She uses her blog, Running Redeemed, to lead ladies in virtual Bible studies.

For their current study, she chose RBP’s Think Inside the Book by Dorothy Davis. On her blog, Quortney describes the study’s structure.

We will go through 1 chapter per week. And you’ll be doing 1 assignment each day Monday through Friday. You can use Saturday and Sunday to catch up on anything you missed during the week because you won’t have an “assignment” that day. Saturday I will post a discussion post on my Instagram and Facebook page to create a place for open discussion for us all to talk about what we’ve learned throughout the week.

Make sure you’re following me on Instagram so you can watch my stories and participate in any discussions we have on our book!

Quortney has had her blog for about four years. She says she and the ladies have been loving the Bible studies. “They say that it has opened their eyes to new truths and reminded them of some they have forgotten. They have started holding themselves more accountable and really seem to enjoy doing Bible studies at home while also having another person’s perspective.”

Quortney Jernigan leads a virtual women's Bible study

Quortney Jernigan leads women in a virtual Bible study using Think Inside the Book by Dorothy Davis.

Since the women who join Quortney for Bible study are used to the virtual aspect, has the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences affected their Bible study? Quortney says, “Yes! Absolutely! I think they are grasping for a deeper understanding and relationship with God in the midst of the chaos. In all of the instability, God remains the same and that’s comforting.”

Quortney chose Think Inside the Book because she sees the need to get back to the basics. “I get a lot of questions about how I study the Bible or how I recommend others to study it. So I purchased this book and fell in love with its use of Scripture to drive home all of its important points. Most of the women that follow me are trying to get into a habit of daily Bible reading. I’m trying to help them with that by teaching simple truths.”

What If You’re Not Tech Savvy?

While Quortney was using the internet to lead virtual Bible studies long before the outbreak, Lisa was not. She confides, “I’m not really a tech savvy person.” So she has suggestions for others like her:Millennial woman looking at Bible with laptop open in front of her

  1. Have someone who knows what he/she is doing set up an account for you with Zoom or a similar program that provides conference video and online chat services. (Most providers offer call-in numbers for those who do not have access to the internet.)
  2. Send email invitations that include all the meeting details.
  3. Make sure each woman mutes her computer when she isn’t speaking.

Lisa says it is challenging as a leader not to be able to see everyone all at once or to see body language. She also warns that there can be delay challenges, which cause people to speak over one another. Nevertheless, Lisa recommends virtual Bible studies “if being able to meet in person is not an option.”

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