GARBC 2012 Annual Report

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing arm of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. The GARBC conducts an annual business meeting during each annual GARBC conference. The following is an excerpt of the Baptist Bulletin article detailing the 2012 GARBC business session held on Tuesday, June 26, 2012:

The afternoon business session opened with John Greening’s report as national representative, which he used to summarize several positive developments during the past year: increased church recruitment, church planting, master planning, new online learning initiatives, increased connections between state associations, improvements in the Baptist Bulletin, and enhanced consultation with pastors and churches.

“We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by passivity, pettiness, or misplaced priorities,” Greening said. “It is time for action.”

Michael Nolan, director of business administration and treasurer, presented a financial report and audit summarizing the fiscal year ending April 30. Calling the year “especially challenging,” Nolan noted substantial cost-cutting measures that allowed the organization to end the year by nearly breaking even, showing a net loss of $5,417.

Alex Bauman, director of Regular Baptist Press, summarized several of the new releases by RBP, including a new children’s church curriculum and several new studies and books. Staff members have been wearing “Have you taken the RBP Pledge?” buttons all week long, encouraging GARBC churches to commit to RBP resources.

Read the full article or download the 2012 GARBC Annual Report.

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