Free Webinar on “Reaching the 4–14 Window”

Regular Baptist Press

SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The Regular Baptist Web Community will offer a free training webinar on Tuesday, Aug. 12, at 6:00 p.m. Central Time on “Reaching the 4–14 Window: Catch the #KidMin Vision.”

Hosted by Alan Wilson, regional manager of Regular Baptist Press, this webinar will highlight ways to realize and capitalize on the opportunities to reach children ages 4–14. Children’s ministry makes the most of a vital age window—whether it’s a midweek program, Sunday School, or any kids’ ministry opportunity. This webinar will encourage children’s ministry workers to catch the vision and have a renewed excitement heading into their fall ministries.

To register, go to and click the “Register now” button. The webinar is free.

About Regular Baptist Press
Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and are designed for spiritual growth.

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing ministry of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.


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