Merry Christmas from RBP

Christmas greetings from Regular Baptist Press! As the year comes to a close, I wanted to express my sincere appreciation to all of you who purchased and put to use our RBP products either personally or in your ministries. All of us here at RBP are humbled and deeply grateful for your loyalty. It is our goal to consistently produce resources and create services that are true to God’s Word and that encourage maturity in Christ. In addition, we are passionate about offering you the best customer service possible. If something is not right or not working, we stand ready to help.

As I anticipate the coming year, I am eager to tell the RBP story of strong church ministry products and services. A strong church has been a core value theme from the founding of our parent organization, Regular Baptist Churches, in 1932 and the establishment of Regular Baptist Press in 1952. The association and the press gladly embraced this doctrine, knowing how central it is to New Testament theology. RBP stands on the Word, looking to Christ, eager to see God’s Bride mature individually and corporately.

Christmas_inlineOur strong church emphasis views gospel work as a ministry of the Word to people applied wisely to those who are seeking as well as courageously following Christ. This kind of gospel work requires Word skills, people skills, and wisdom skills. RBP has resources and services that you can trust for the life of a healthy church. I hope you will browse our published titles and our training and leadership development services, as well as follow our social media posts on relevant issues. I look forward to meeting you and helping you and your church go hard after Christ.

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