Regular Baptist Press International Launches

RBP2_inlineNortheast India—A collaborative effort between Regular Baptist Press, the International Partnership of Fundamental Baptist Ministries, and Regular Baptist International has resulted in the establishment of Regular Baptist Press International.

For decades, Regular Baptist Press, Arlington Heights, Illinois, has provided free curriculum and other church resources to international missionaries, churches, and ministries through Gospel Literature Services. But escalating shipping costs made sending these materials overseas prohibitive. “The leadership of Gospel Literature Services for many years recognized the benefits of establishing a satellite publishing division in Asia,” says Deb Hindal, administrative assistant to Chris Hindal, director of Regular Baptist International. Two-thirds of the IPFBM serve in Asia. Previously, a lack of local involvement and start-up funds stalled the establishment of an overseas press, says Deb. But “in God’s providence, He put the pieces together, and RBP International is operating out of India.”

The new press has already printed its first product—RBP’s “Castle Kids: Choosing to Serve the King,” a Vacation Bible School program. Churches throughout India will be able to access these resources that are true to the Bible and presented in colorful, engaging ways. The materials are no longer offered for free, but they will be sold at an affordable price, appropriate to their locale. Indian pastors report that VBS is the most effective tool in reaching boys and girls with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every year hundreds of children throughout Asia make professions of faith using RBP Vacation Bible School curriculum.

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