Kevin Bauder Addresses Civic Responsibility

bauder_thumbPLYMOUTH, Minn.—Kevin Bauder, author of Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order and coauthor of One in Hope and Doctrine, taught a class on Biblical priorities for voting. The two-Sunday class was part of a combined Adult Bible Fellowship course on civic responsibility held this summer at Fourth Baptist Church.

Pastor Matt Morrell says that due to this year’s unique and unusual political climate in our country and the consternation it has been causing Christians, church leadership wanted to speak to the matter of the Christian’s civic responsibility in a culture that is increasingly hostile to Christians and a pending election that leaves Christians very few options. Bauder was asked to speak on the subject, with Pastor Morrell wrapping up on the third Sunday.

Bauder presented nine moral categories and criteria by which he evaluates a political candidate. He also suggested two possible responses to the question of what to do no when no candidates meet the Biblical criteria. Pastor Morrell says Bauder modeled a thoughtful and principled approach to the dilemma that is facing Christians across the U.S.

Although what Bauder said raised questions and even some objections, the universal response was, as Pastor Morrell points out, one of respect and gratitude for what Bauder presented because of his gracious spirit in presenting the information. “At the end of the day, our church was challenged to think Biblically and not pragmatically about our role and responsibilities in civil government. We concluded with confidence in the sovereignty of God and the challenge to keep a clear conscience before God as we go to the polls this November. As the pastor of Fourth Baptist Church, I am thrilled with the material that was presented and the benefit that it provided to our congregation.”

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