Equipping Teachers in Batavia, New York

BATAVIA, N.Y.—On Saturday, Jan. 21, the teachers from Grace Baptist Church gathered for a day of encouragement and equipping from Regular Baptist Press representatives Alan Wilson and Tony Randolph. Pastor Don Shirk and Associate Pastor Jeffrey Bartz had planned the day to refresh their teachers and energize them for this new year of ministry.

The training seminar was appropriately called “Engage” because it was designed to help the teachers engage in their students’ lives and then engage their students in the Scriptures. Sixty teachers attended the seminar and left with a renewed enthusiasm for teaching in their church.

After the meeting one teacher said, “I was reminded of the responsibility I have as a children’s teacher and the passion I need to have in delivering the message.”
Another teacher came away with the realization that “the single most important teaching strategy I can have as a kids’ church teacher is my personal walk with God.
If I don’t live what I teach and if I don’t love the kids I teach, all my time spent at church teaching kids is a big waste of time.”

Pastor Shirk summed up the day by saying that “the teachers left encouraged, challenged, and valued.” If you would like to host a teacher training at your church, contact Alan Wilson at 847.830.8477 or at awilson@garbc.org.

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