Developing Strong Defenders of the Faith Takes a Strong Curriculum

Arlington Heights, Ill.—Young people are constantly bombarded with lies at school, online, and virtually everywhere else. Whether those lies are teaching evolution, encouraging a false sense of identity, or telling kids they have no value, truth is under attack. And not just students are hearing lies. Often adults, too, read flawed newsfeeds and hear the term “fake news” being thrown around. Increasingly our world questions what many at one time believed as truth. A world weak on truth needs a strong, trustworthy message. Beginning this fall, Regular Baptist Press is introducing a new Sunday School program named Strong Curriculum.

Created for all ages, Strong Curriculum is written and designed to build stronger churches by teaching all Scripture to produce spiritually mature believers. Its unique systematic approach emphasizes seven teaching aims that lead to Christlikeness: believe the gospel, understand Biblical ethics, internalize godliness, learn doctrine, develop life skills, uplift others, and prepare to serve.

As customers have come to expect from RBP, Strong Curriculum is grounded in God’s Word and focused on life application. The curriculum points all ages to Christ and has the unique benefit of providing teachers with tools to measure their students’ progress in becoming more like Christ.

“Discipleship—the process by which people are brought into conformity to the character of the Lord Jesus Christ—is the primary goal of the local church,” says RBP Director David Gunn. “As believers learn the content of God’s Word and experience its transformational power, they are progressively moved toward ever-increasing levels of Christlikeness. That’s what Strong Curriculum is designed to facilitate.”

“We’re living in an age when weak doctrine and false teaching are perhaps more prevalent than ever before,” Gunn says. “Sweeping social changes and global unrest have engendered in many churches a sense of uncertainty, ambivalence, and apathy. Now more than ever, we need to raise up a generation of Christ-focused, Biblically grounded believers who are equipped to ‘be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might’ (Eph. 6:10).”

Strong Kids, for students age two through sixth grade, is the first line of Strong Curriculum materials available. Each age group’s resources feature a reworked scope and sequence, with each week building on the previous week, making the material easier to follow and teach. Each teacher kit includes a teacher guide, teaching pictures or picture book, a student book, a set of take-home materials, a DVD with supplemental videos, a resource CD, and an online download code. Additional materials such as flannelgraph figures and posters come in some of the kits, depending on age or grade level.

Strong Adults curriculum will be released in the fall of 2023, and Strong Students, for junior and senior high, will be released in the fall of 2021. Strong Curriculum is available in ESV, NKJV, and always in KJV.

RBP’s Strong Curriculum provides a plan you can trust, growth you can measure, and results that last forever. Now more than ever, it’s time to be strong! Find out more at

Five Steps to Building Strong Kids

Strong Kids provides each age group with a two-year, age-appropriate plan to prepare kids to successfully take the next step in their spiritual growth.

Step 1—Ages 2 & 3

Strong Kids for 2s & 3s teaches Biblical truth concerning God, God’s Son, God’s Word, and God’s world. Students learn that God is their creator and that He loves and helps them. They begin to understand what sin is and that Jesus came to earth as a baby and then grew up and died for them.

Step 2—Age 4 to Kindergarten

Strong Kids for Pre-Primaries reinforces foundational Biblical truths concerning creation, Jesus, salvation, and living for God. Recognizing that pre-primaries are starting to understand the need for personal salvation, this curriculum provides opportunities for students to trust in Christ as their Savior and begin to live for Him.

Step 3—Grades 1 & 2

Strong Kids for Primaries tracks through the Bible chronologically but breaks at strategic times to provide students with a deep understanding of Jesus and His part in God’s plan to save the world. Students grasp Who Jesus is, what He is like, and why He came to earth.

Step 4—Grades 3 & 4

Strong Kids for Middlers teaches students the Bible timeline from Genesis to Revelation. Students understand how God’s plan unfolded in the past, what His plan is for today, and how His plan will unfold in the future. They’ll gain confidence by knowing how they fit into God’s plan.

Step 5—Grades 5 & 6

Strong Kids for Juniors goes deeper to ground students in their faith and prepare them for their teen years. The overall track is through the Bible, but with different emphases than in the Primary and Middler age groups. For instance, students spend more time on the Ten Commandments, Solomon’s wisdom in Proverbs, and end-time events from Revelation.

Strong Curriculum is now available for preorder at or by calling the RBP customer service line at 800-727-4440.

About Regular Baptist Press

Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of Sunday School curriculum, VBS and midweek programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing ministry of the Regular Baptist Churches.

**Editor’s Update 1/12/2022: The Strong Adults curriculum launch date has been updated to reflect a new launch date.**

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