Kids Given Opportunity to Bless Orphans This Summer

Kids filling jugs with water from the street who could be orphans

Now more than ever orphans in developing nations need a safe harbor. They were needy before the spread of COVID-19 resulted in more illness, death, poverty, and need. This summer, American kids can help these orphans by giving to Operation Safe Harbor: Showing Mercy to Orphans.

Operation Safe Harbor is targeting both individual orphans and entire orphanages to provide supplies and opportunities.

  • An offering of $40 will pay the costs for one orphan to go to school.
  • An offering of $45 will give two children a bunk bed so they don’t have to sleep on the orphanage floor.
  • An offering of $50 will provide an orphan with food for a month.
  • An offering of $200 will provide an orphanage with a set of cookware for preparing meals.

Though children around the world, even in the U.S., have been touched by the Haitian little girl like many Haitian orphanscoronavirus, Operation Safe Harbor offerings will be given for orphans in Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Myanmar, and Uganda, where—in addition to COVID-19—disease, war, crime, or natural disasters have robbed them of their parents. Unlike in the U.S. children touched by COVID-19 in these countries will not be assisted by their governments, local charities, or generous donors. God can use American kids and churches to meet these orphans’ needs.

When a church chooses Operation Safe Harbor—whether as a VBS missions project, virtual giving campaign, or another special offering—they can order free digital Operation Safe Harbor posters. Stories about individual orphans and photos are available on the Big Fish Bay Director Resource CD Set (RBP32402).

The RBP team says Operation Safe Harbor is a wonderful opportunity for children around the world. “Orphans will receive help they need. And through Operation Safe Harbor, here in the U.S. both students and adults will have the opportunity to provide that help.”

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