Your Opportunity: 5 Ideas to Bring Back Sunday School!

Three children, about 3rd or 4th grade, wearing masks at a church that used the pandemic as an opportunity to bring back Sunday SchoolAs many churches are opening back to “somewhat” normal after COVID-19 shutdowns, they can turn this difficult time into an opportunity to highlight and renew their dedication to Sunday School. Following are five ideas to consider for effectively bringing back Sunday School.

  1. Provide teacher training. Refresh, remind, and train your current and potential teachers. Highlight the curriculum that your church uses and remind each teacher the importance of using the curriculum correctly. Also, review teaching techniques, habits, objectives, measurement, and goals. This review could ignite a renewed energy and passion for the classroom.
  2. Get back to basics. Over time it is easy for churches to lose sight of the purpose and goals of their Sunday School program. A short session for teachers on why your church has Sunday School and what makes it effective might be time well spent. Highlight sound Biblical content, the plan of salvation, sound doctrine, and making classes fun and interesting.
  3. Review classroom situations. This is a golden opportunity to look at where each of your Sunday School classes meets. Is one layout better than another? Would some rooms work better for different classes? Evaluate any large meeting rooms where students gather for openings, special events/activities, or closing times. In addition to assessing how classrooms work, consider redecorating and updating classrooms. Find out what teachers might need to increase their effectiveness with the ages they teach.
  4. Hold a big Sunday School kickoff. Designate a Sunday to kick off your Sunday School. Even if you did not shut down your program, take the opportunity to promote Sunday School by introducing your teachers in the morning worship service and taking time to pray for them. Consider bringing in a speaker to speak on Sunday School and its important role. You might conclude the day with lunch/cookout, games, and activities for all ages.
  5. Plan Sunday School events and outreach. Plan to grow your Sunday School. If you hold a training time with your teachers, go over with them how to increase each class size physically and measure how teaching objectives are being reached spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Then plan events and activities for your Sunday School program and add them to the church calendar. Do not forget to connect Sunday School to other programs, like Vacation Bible School, women’s Bible studies, men’s Bible studies, and more. Even a church membership class can be used as a time to remind your congregation about the benefits of the whole family attending Sunday School.

Alan Wilson is the curriculum specialist for Regular Baptist Press. You can contact him by email:; phone: 888-488-1600, ext. 894; or cell: 847-830-8477.

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