Fulfill Your Mission & Purpose

The book of Titus can help!


Truth Adorned cover to help you fulfill your missionARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.— If you’ve been lost in the middle of doing life, you may wonder about your purpose and mission. Wonder no more! Truth Adorned by new RBP Women’s Bible Studies author Haley Seboe Cleveland will help you renew your sense of purpose and provide details on how to effectively carry out your mission as a follower of Jesus Christ.

Truth Adorned is an 8-lesson study on the New Testament book of Titus. Paul reminded Titus that with a gospel foundation and Biblical purpose, the new believers in Crete could grow spiritually and adorn the doctrine of God. Wherever you are in your Christian walk, this study of Titus can help you find deeper purpose and direction that result in a greater impact on others.


Meet the Author

Haley Seboe Cleveland is a graduate of Clarks Summit University, where she majored in communications-writing. While serving an internship at Regular Baptist Press, Haley proofread, edited, and wrote for RBP and the Baptist Bulletin. RBP Director David Gunn praised Haley not only for her technical expertise and writing ability, but for her soft skills, such as her ability to multitask, plus her work ethic, time management, and creativity.

Haley first became acquainted with the book of Titus in college. “It was a simple yet convicting time in my life as I grew to realize the importance of a life built on and saturated in the Word of God,” she says. Then she taught the book to a small class  of young women. “As I tackled this book even more in depth, this time with fellow sisters in Christ, my conviction grew. I saw the link between my personal spiritual life and service, ministry, and good works. Now each time I study and read through this book of the Bible, my hunger for the Scriptures grows right alongside my desire to live a life of service.”

Join Haley in this study of Titus to renew your purpose and pursue your mission. Your lifestyle can show that the Christian life is attractive—you can adorn truth.

Truth Adorned is available for preorder.


Truth Adorned: Pursuing Life’s Deeper Purpose
RBP5183 • ISBN: 978-1-64213-682-1
Paper • Retail $8.99

About Regular Baptist Press
Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing ministry of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

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