RBP Director Update

Alex Bauman candid March 2023 RBP News Director Update

In addition to his role as editorial director of curriculum resources, Alex Bauman is serving as director of Regular Baptist Press until a full-time director joins RBP.

ELGIN, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press continues to provide churches with educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ. To help us accomplish that purpose, we are currently searching for a new director of Regular Baptist Press.

In spring 2022 the former director of RBP, David Gunn, began a new ministry at Baptist Bible Seminary as a professor of systematic theology. At the time of David’s departure, GARBC Interim National Representative David E. Strope wrote that David Gunn would be greatly missed “by all who have served with him at RBP/GARBC. He has exemplified a Christlike demeanor, professional excellence, and humility. Though saddened in his departure, we rejoice in God’s direction of the Gunns.” I stepped into the vacancy David Gunn left as director of RBP while I continue to fulfill my duties as editorial director of curriculum resources. David had also served as the managing editor of The Baptist Bulletin magazine, a position now filled by Melissa Meyer.

Also in 2022, we were happy to welcome Beth Prassel as an associate editor with an emphasis on helping us produce our Strong Students curriculum for middle and high school students. Beth came to RBP with previous publishing experience. Her expertise helped her make an immediate impact. In other staff changes, Elizabeth Seagren resigned at the end of the summer. Among other responsibilities, she edited Horizons, the adult paper. Horizons is now being edited by Jonita Barram.

In fall 2022, Regular Baptist Ministries, which includes RBP, moved from Arlington Heights to Elgin, Illinois. During the pandemic shutdowns, some of our colleagues grew accustomed to working from home, and a few even moved out of Illinois. With a reduced onsite staff, we sold our Arlington Heights building and downsized, moving into offices in Elgin.

Because of my responsibilities in overseeing curriculum projects, I have limited time to dedicate to books. The new director of RBP will have book production as one of his major duties. Still, we are managing to produce a commentary on Matthew, the first volume of the New Testament Exposition Commentary™ (NTEC) series. Dr. Chris Miller wrote the Matthew commentary. He and Dr. Daniel Davies are serving as the general editors of the NTEC series. They share RBP’s deep desire to produce a series of New Testament commentaries with a Baptistic and dispensational perspective. The Matthew commentary will be available in June 2023.

We are looking forward to identifying a new director of Regular Baptist Press to help with the NTEC process in particular. Qualified candidates may apply online.

With the offices of GARBC national representative and director of RBP vacant, the Council of Eighteen and Interim National Representative David E. Strope undertook a strategic planning review of all Regular Baptist Ministries. David notes that “with both the national representative’s and RBP director’s positions open, it was important for us to review our ministry, assess our strengths, identify weaknesses, and address these needs strategically and prayerfully.”

He continues, “This time of transition has been demanding, stressful, necessary, and beneficial for our ministry. Several in the RBM office have assumed additional responsibilities for which we are very grateful. During this time Alex Bauman has given yeoman service as interim RBP director.”

David also reports that résumés have been received and reviewed, and interviews for the position of director of RBP are beginning. He and two Council of Eighteen members are leading these interviews.

RBP has been serving churches for over 70 years. With the hiring of a new director, RBP is poised to continue as a premier publisher of church curriculum and discipleship ministry tools. If you are interested in joining the team, apply here.

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