Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty: VBS Workshop 2

VBS 2023 Stompers & Chompers low res theme background inlineWhile VBS workshop 1 introduced your team to Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan and provided a good start in preparing for VBS 2023, workshop 2 addresses the nitty-gritty. This workshop will train workers on how to use storytelling, crafts, and more to reinforce the lessons on God’s big plan so kids can build dino-sized faith—first for salvation, then for growing in Christlikeness and sharing the Good News. Here are six ideas for workshop 2.

  1. Open the meeting in prayer. 
  2. Teach the VBS songs. Sing a few Stompers & Chompers songs.
  3. Share tips for effective teaching and storytelling. Ask an experienced teacher to choose part of one lesson and demonstrate the effective use of exciting storytelling techniques. Each Stompers & Chompers lesson is written with many tips on how a teacher can make the story come alive.
  4. Ask the craft coordinator to provide a craft exhibit. 
  5. Review the overview chart. Give each worker a copy of the overview chart found on the inside front covers of the Director Guide and the teacher books. This chart lists each lesson and the crafts, games, and snacks designed to go with each lesson.
  6. Divide the VBS team into small groups according to department. Here’s where VBS team members get to personally start getting down to the nitty-gritty of creating a successful VBS.

Young man holding Bible account visual; back of boy with raised hand in foreground

Conversation starters. Assign each group one of the Bible lessons. Ask each group to discuss ways workers can use the game, snack, and craft times to help students think about that lesson. Be sure each worker is aware of the conversation starters included with the games, snacks, and crafts. Explain that each teacher will need to adjust the conversation starters so the wording is appropriate for the age group with which he or she is working.

Prayer. Each group should pray for one another and for the students they will interact with during VBS.

Preparation. Give the groups time to work together on any preparation they need to do, such as learning and discussing the Bible lessons, planning for decorating their rooms, and so forth.

This is part 2 in a three-part series, Train Your VBS Team. Read “Your First Workshop.” Look for part 3 next Monday, “Relating to Kids: Workshop 3.”

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