NTEC Volume on Matthew Introduced at Cedarville

Chris Miller in a red and blue plaid shirt stands behind a podium, addressing an audience. A laptop is open on the podium.Chris Miller introduced the New Testament Exposition Commentary series to attendees at Cedarville University’s inaugural CU @ The Student Ministry Roundtable on March 14. Chris is senior professor of Biblical studies at the university and is both coeditor of the series and author of its first volume, Matthew.

The one-day conference was held “to encourage, energize, exhort, equip, and help youth ministry leaders successfully endure in student ministry,” says Cedarville’s website. The conference was “a time for leaders to meet, network, and share successes and challenges.” Everyone who registered for the event received a copy of Matthew.

Chris says that from the beginning of the NTEC project, he and coeditor Daniel Davey “desired to write a series of commentaries that would benefit the church, especially pastors and youth pastors as they equip God’s people with His Word.”

“It was exciting to see that vision become a reality as I taught through the Gospel of Matthew as a divinely inspired handbook on discipleship and handed out copies of the commentary to all those in attendance,” Chris says.

Chris Miller in a plaid shirt stands before an attentive audience, projecting information on the screen behind. The room exudes an atmosphere of focused engagement as the audience listens intently.

Any conference is elevated when attendees receive books and resources that can help them in their ministry,” says Bruce Traeger, director of church and school relations at Cedarville. “Having Dr. Chris Miller do a presentation on leading students through Matthew’s Gospel was an excellent precursor to each of our participants receiving a copy of the New Testament Exposition Commentary, Matthew. Audience members were excited to receive what in essence were Dr. Miller’s notes on Matthew from his 40 years of study and scholarship.”

Each chapter in Matthew includes a concise overview, a verse-by-verse exposition, and a closing reflection from Chris. He points out that Jesus’ primary audience was His disciples and that the Gospel of Matthew walks readers “through Jesus’ comprehensive five-part discipleship curriculum.” So those who immerse themselves in the Gospel of Matthew “will be equipped to fulfill the Great Commission.”

Blue and white cover of Matthew by Chris Miller, 1st in the NTEC (New Testament Expository Commentary) series.

Chris and Daniel believe there is “no greater investment of one’s time and energy than to read and study God’s Word.”

All NTEC volumes will be written from a conservative theological framework by trustworthy, seasoned professors and pastors. Volume 2, Romans, written by Daniel, is coming in August.

Preorder your copy of Romans from Regular Baptist Books. Matthew is available now.

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Regular Baptist Books is an imprint of Regular Baptist Press. RBP offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

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