Thinking Ahead: When It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Big Fish Bay

a little blonde girl saying good-bye to Big Fish Bay at a backyard cookoutBefore you say good-bye to Big Fish Bay, host a cookout, picnic, or fish fry. Be sure lots of friendly church members are there to greet and interact with guests. Sing some VBS songs and quote VBS verses. Invite families to visit your church again, but this time on Sunday. Keep the event relaxed and welcoming.

Saying good-bye to Big Fish Bay means taking down the VBS decorations. It may be sad to see the town and bay come down, but, oh, what a great time of evangelism, learning, fun, and fellowship took place there!


You will have noticed that there’s not a lot of gospel-sharing built into these events. There’s a reason for that: to get your neighbors to feel comfortable coming to your church, to introduce them to the people who are your church, and to invite the VBS families to services which—now that they’re comfortable and know you—they may be more likely to attend and where they will hear the gospel.

This was part 5 of Make Big Fish Bay a Favorite Summer Vacation Spot.

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