Celebrate Christ through RBP Daily Meditations

Advent_770X400In the good providence of the Lord, we are living in a time when religious significance and Biblical truth are being squeezed out of our holiday celebrations. Retailers train employees to great customers with “Happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Manger scenes are rarely seen in public anymore. School programs have little or no sacred music memorializing the true reason for our festive activities.

In the good providence of the Lord, this is our opportunity to find creative ways to celebrate the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God Who took on flesh and blood to pay the debt of our sin. We may not be able to change the trends in public or retail policy, but we can be the church. We can build Biblically sound traditions into family life. We can be gospel heralds in Word and deed as we move about in the public square of life.

All of us at Regular Baptist Ministries would like to encourage you in your journey through this holiday season by offering you daily meditations rooted in Scripture and focused on the promise and fulfillment of Christ’s incarnation. The advent meditations are designed to help you “out-worship” all the oppressive commercialism around us with optimism based on the Holy Spirit and the Word. So, starting Dec. 1, we invite you to read with us each day.

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