Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn: Pray!

10th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn

Marrena Ralph

You, your knowledge, your abilities, your workers—all are imperfect. God can bless your clubs even when the people and program have weaknesses. But there is one thing your Kids4Truth Club cannot afford to be without—prayer. If you’re missing this, you’re missing God’s power and enabling.

I cannot emphasize prayer enough. The most important thing you can do in children’s ministry is to pray for the children in your ministry. Pray for them by name, pray for their parents, pray for their siblings, pray for wisdom as you work with them, pray for their safety, pray for their salvation, and pray that you can engage and motivate them to learn.

A final word: It takes work to engage children and motivate them to learn; however, the rewards for taking the time and energy are well worth it. You end up with a successful, fun program that is rewarding for you and the workers and, especially, for the children and their families. Take a few minutes today to review what you are doing in your ministry to engage children and motivate them to learn. I believe we can always do more than we are doing. What can you add to your program and services to engage, motivate, and encourage the children in your ministry?

Marrena Ralph is the clubs program specialist at Regular Baptist Press. She is available for consultation and workshops. Contact her at 866.754.4272 or Marrena@Kids4Truth.com.

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About Marrena Ralph

Marrena has a deep desire for children to be taught the Word of God and to develop a relationship with our Lord. As RBP’s club program specialist, she enjoys training workers how to effectively minister to children through Kids4Truth Clubs training events and Christian education conferences.
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