Latest VBS Educational Resources Posts

VBS Evangelism Is a Big Deal!

RBP VBS is known as The Evangelistic VBS. Our approach to presenting the gospel is clear, consistent, and comprehensive. That’s why we are the only VBS endorsed by Child Evangelism Fellowship, the world’s largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children.…

Create a Wildlife Park for WildLIVE!

At its core, WildLIVE! is an animal theme where kids encounter creatures from all over the planet while they’re involved in a nature show. Through the lessons, students will focus on Jesus’ captivating character and discover how to follow Him…

On Location with WildLIVE!

WildLIVE! VBS is packed with adventure, so decorating for it can give you one of the most exciting sets ever! Go “on location” and have fun with the habitat concept. In this option,* you’ll decorate areas of your church as…
Create a Wildlife Park for WildLIVE!

Create a Wildlife Park for WildLIVE!

At its core, WildLIVE! is an animal theme where kids encounter creatures from all over the planet while they’re involved in a nature show. Through the lessons, students will focus on Jesus’ captivating character and discover how to follow Him…