Regular Baptist Press Hosts Reception

Regular Baptist Press, the publishing ministry of the GARBC, hosted a reception on the first day of the GARBC Conference, giving conferees the opportunity to meet several of RBP’s authors.

Dr. Kevin Bauder, Dr. Dan Anderson, and Juanita Purcell were on hand Monday evening, June 23, to meet and talk with conference guests. Copies of their latest books, Bauder’s One in Hope and Doctrine, Anderson’s Biblical Slave Leadership, and Purcell’s 15 Minutes with the Master were also available for purchase and signing.

Christina Schuler, a member of Calvary Baptist Church, Menomonee Falls, Wis., was excited to meet longtime RBP author Juanita Purcell. This is Schuler’s third GARBC conference but first time attending as an adult. A junior at Maranatha Baptist Bible College, she aspires to be a writer of Christian books. “I’m really interested in children’s and teens’ Christian books,” she says. “There is such a need for uplifting and entertaining books, especially for teens.”

Bauder is a research professor at Central Baptist Theological Seminary and has written Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order. Anderson is president of Appalachian Bible College. Purcell is the author of numerous best-selling women’s studies and devotionals.

Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

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