Publishing for Maturity

The mission statement of any organization is what drives it and keeps it on course. Our mission statement at Regular Baptist Press is simple and to the point. We are committed to glorifying God by providing church educational resources that are true to God’s Word and encourage maturity in Christ.

Our mission statement captures the reason for our existence as a publisher. We exist to serve the church with doctrinally sound materials and services. You might ask, Why do this? Is it for brand awareness, financial gain, or a well-informed church? Why questions have the uncanny ability to expose motive. So are these good motives for us as a publisher? Perhaps, but there is a greater gain in serving the church in this manner. Scripture reveals that greater gain as maturity in Christ.

Ephesians 4:13 and Colossians 4:12 are foundational texts defining this greater gain of maturity in Christ. The Ephesian passage details how the Lord Jesus Christ outfitted and gifted the church with leadership tasked to equip the corporate body for ministry that brings it to maturity in Christ. The Colossians text exposes the prayer life of Epaphras, which focused on seeing believers stand firm in the will of God, mature and fully assured. Seeing what Christ did and learning how Epaphras prayed affirms that the greater gain of serving the church is maturity in Christ. We believe this to be a work that will truly glorify the Lord.

Related to maturity is the strength word group frequently found in Acts. Although Acts is a transitional book in the progress of God’s work, it does describe for us some ministry absolutes. For example, Acts 9:31 indicates that the Holy Spirit is the One Who strengthens and encourages the church so it grows and lives in the fear of God. In the sovereign plan of God, His church is also made strong by His servants who invest themselves in the work of ministry (Acts 15:41; 1 Cor. 14:26).

Mission2_inlineRBP is delighted to come alongside the church with products and services that will strengthen it and ultimately encourage its maturity in Christ. This is our reason for existence in the grand plan of God. Please feel free to contact us for training, consultation, or product recommendations for your ministry needs.

John F. Klem is director of Regular Baptist Press.

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