Stallard Addresses Replacement Theology on Podcast

Dr. Mike StallardWESTVILLE, N.J.—Dr. Mike Stallard, general editor of Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant, spent three sessions on Friends of Israel Today talking about replacement theology (a.k.a. fulfillment theology or supersessionism). Replacement theology is the idea that the church replaces, supersedes, or in some cases fulfills Israel’s place as the people of God, he explained. Because of this, national Israel is no longer seen as having a special place in God’s plan for the future.

Answering questions from host Chris Katulka, Dr. Stallard summarized the history of replacement theology, talked about how its proponents interpret the Bible regarding Israel, and reviewed the effects of this theology throughout history.

A person’s understanding of the church and Israel affects his understanding of the New Covenant, which is why Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant was written. It explores three competing views within traditional dispensationalism on how the church relates to the New Covenant. This question is very important since dispensationalists typically view Israel, not the church, as the primary party to this covenant. Each viewpoint is supported by extensive theological, historical, and exegetical research, with responses and rejoinders for each view.

Dr. Stallard edited Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant (Regular Baptist Books) while serving as dean of Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pa. Today he is international ministries director at Friends of Israel.

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