Ken Davis Continues to Mentor Church Planters

Ken Davis, author of “Planting Daughter Churches” in The Pastor: A Guide for God’s Faithful Servant (Regular Baptist Press) and coauthor of The Y-B-H (Yes, But How?) Handbook of Church Planting (Xulon Press) has long been coaching church planters.

For example, Ken mentored Tim Walker and Dan Nichols after they told him they wanted to plant a church in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. They started Restored Church, which, though still quite young, is sponsoring a church plant in nearby Hazleton, Pa. Dan says he has never met a better example of hard work and dedication to ministry than Ken. For Ken’s 70th birthday, Dan posted on Facebook, thanking Ken for “believing in me when many didn’t. Thank you for being Paul to this very raw Timothy. It’s an honor to learn from you. . . . You’ve championed the name & fame of Jesus to Northeast Pennsylvania in powerful ways, and NOTHING could be more impactful than that!”

Ken DavisTim says Ken’s 20–30 years of experience in church planting and Project Jerusalem have been invaluable for planting and growing Restored Church. Project Jerusalem is the church-planting and training program headed by Ken at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clarks Summit, Pa.

It is not surprising that students at Clarks Summit University rallied behind Ken to help him battle stage 4 prostate cancer. Ken says he is humbled and grateful for the university’s Coaches vs. Cancer effort, which raised money for his cancer treatments. “I was encouraged by a number of our friends who came to both basketball games—some from quite a distance—to support me,” he says.

Ken will be sharing his church planting experience and insights as one of the presenters at the 33rd Annual School of Church Planting, sponsored by Baptist Mid-Missions. The seminar will be held at City Light Baptist Church in Culpepper, Va., June 11–14.

In addition to his books, Ken has written articles on church planting for the Baptist Bulletin.

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