GARBC Honors RBP Author

Dr. Myron Houghton, RBP author and longtime theology professor, was honored at the recent 2019 GARBC conference for his lifetime of teaching and writing.

Dr. Houghton began his teaching career at Denver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in 1971 and served there until 1983 when he moved to Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. He retired this past spring.

In addition to his nearly 50 years of classroom teaching, Dr. Myron was also active in writing. Perhaps his magnum opus is Law and Grace, published by Regular Baptist Books in 2011. This study of the book of Romans presents a dispensational framework for distinguishing the concepts of law and grace. Few, if any, books today set forth such a clear view of these important theological issues. Dr. Myron also updated and expanded RBP’s Charismatic Confusion, written by the late Dr. Ernest Pickering, as well as adding a chapter to another of Dr. Pickering’s books, Biblical Separation.

At the recognition service Mike Hess, the national representative of the GARBC, asked people to stand who had been students of Dr. Houghton or who had been directly influenced by him. Scores of people in the audience stood as a testimony to how Dr. Houghton has influenced and shaped the theological convictions of Regular Baptist leaders. For this lifetime of effective service, Regular Baptists owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr. Myron Houghton.

Myron Houghton

Find more information about the life and legacy of Dr. Myron Houghton at the Baptist Bulletin website.

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