New Hampshire Church Hosts Christian Education Seminar

MERRIMACK, N.H.—Tony Randolph and Alan Wilson of Regular Baptist Press led a Christian Education seminar at the historic and beautiful Merrimack Valley Baptist Church on Saturday, Sept. 28. Six churches sent their teachers to learn and participate.

The morning opened with coffee, doughnuts, and good fellowship. Then Tony started the first session by teaching a unique workshop on how to start, grow, and properly lead a small group. He also discussed how to make small groups a great way to reach new people in churches’ communities and answered attendees’ questions.

Alan lead the next two workshops. The first addressed how to bring quality into the classroom. The second discussed practical aims for teachers during their teaching time. The sessions ended with Tony and Alan answering questions from the attendees.

The conclusion to the day was a giveaway of Regular Baptist Press resources and a gift to RBP itself: one participant was so grateful for the learning experience that the person  donated $100 to Regular Baptist Press.

RBP’s teacher trainings are free regional events for prospective teachers and current teachers of children, youth, or adults. For information on hosting a regional training, please call Alan Wilson at 847.585.0894.

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