RBP Author Named BMM Administrator for Missionary Soul Care

Cleveland, Ohio—Baptist Mid-Missions announced Nov. 8 that Dr. Jeff Newman has been appointed to the newly created position of administrator for Missionary Soul Care and head of the newly launched Safe Haven Department.

Jeff Newman teachingAs the administrator for Missionary Soul Care, Dr. Newman and his wife, Sherry, will work as a team to build relationships, provide counseling/discipleship, and offer soul-care training, says Baptist Mid-Missions. “They will tailor these ministries to the unique challenges of our missionaries ministering in the complex ministry environment of world missions. In addition to their direct service to missionaries, the Newmans will also work with churches that desire to develop more intentional plans for caring for their missionaries. The Newmans were chosen because of their godly testimonies, their proven track record in biblical counseling, and their ever-deepening understanding of BMM through previous teaching assignments and other on-field interaction with our missionaries.”

Newman (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) has long had experience in counseling, having served as dean of the college at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, and more recently, as professor of Biblical counseling there. His books published by Regular Baptist Press and Regular Baptist Books reflect his heart for people and understanding of soul care:

Regular Baptist Press and Regular Baptist Books congratulate Dr. Newman on the beginning of his and Sherry’s new ministry with Baptist Mid-Missions, which will begin at the end of the 2019–20 school term.

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