Recruit a Great Team

A young man kneels by a young child as the child colors at a table; the man is part of the teamWho can teach the Bible in an exciting, memorable, and relevant way? Who loves twos and threes? Who is good with crafts? Who loves to decorate? Who is kind and smiles often? That’s who you want on your VBS team!

Here are three suggestions for recruiting a great team:

1. Pray first. Prayerfully consider who you will invite to work in VBS and where each one can best use his or her gifts. Then trust God to lead you to the right recruits.

2. Recruit adults to join your VBS team. As you enthusiastically recruit each prospective worker to share in the exciting ministry of Vacation Bible School 2020, Big Fish Bay: Hooked on God’s Mercy, give each one time to pray about the opportunity.

  • If someone says yes, welcome that new worker to your Vacation Bible School team.
  • If a person says no, ask if there is a different job or age group he or she would enjoy.
  • If the person says no, offer other ways to be part of your Vacation Bible School program. For example, someone who cannot be present at VBS might wish to help with decorations, cleanup, craft preparation, or publicity.
  • If the person still says no, invite him or her to pray for VBS. Accept the person’s decision, trusting God to provide needed workers.

One adult male and several upbeat teen guys and teen girls are wear blue shirts with VOLUNTEER written on them3. Recruit teens to join your VBS team. Invite Christian teens who demonstrate maturity and a desire to serve the Lord to attend your Big Fish Bay training workshops. This is a great way to begin equipping these young believers for the work of the ministry.

Some young people will be gifted in leading music; others, in teaching lessons, leading games, helping with crafts, acting in skits, or working with puppets. Because VBS is a short-term commitment, it is a great place for young people to begin serving in their local churches.

Train your teens. Pray for them. Praise them. Publicly recognize their service. With good training and quality adult supervision, teens can become some of your church’s most effective VBS workers.

No matter who is on your VBS team or what he or she is doing, pray regularly for each one.

This is part 1 in a five-part series, Recruit, Train & Launch Your VBS Team. Look for part 2, “Your First Workshop.”

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