Find Ways to Engage Your World!


Blue and white cover (Dec. 2020) of EngageRegular Baptist Press announces Jeannie Vogel’s newest book, Engage: Influencing Your World like Jesus, coming in January and now available for preorder.

Not a how-to on relationship building, but a study on how Jesus engaged His world

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Obeying the Great Commission to reach people with the gospel and then disciple them seems like a daunting task. Especially if your friends and family are already believers. Especially in a culture that’s hostile toward Christian witness. So how can a Christian woman find ways to engage her world?

When author Jeannie Vogel was a young pastor’s wife, she wondered the same thing. How could she build relationships with women who didn’t share her ethical, moral, or spiritual views? Through a study of the Gospels, Jeannie discovered that the problem was solvable. She noticed that Jesus’ friend list included many colorful characters who were nothing like Him. The key seemed to be found in Luke 19:10. Jesus didn’t just come to “save” the lost; He also came to seek them.

“What a difference that concept made in my life as God challenged me to find ways to engage my world,” says Jeannie. “Through neighborhood Bible studies, pregnancy resource centers, Christmas gatherings, Life Design (mini workshop) breakfasts, office Bible studies, and other activities (even indoor tennis), my life has been enriched by so many women outside the normal sphere of my small Christian circle.”

Jeannie says this study is not a how-to guide on forming relationships, but is a challenge for women to learn from Jesus how to engage their world. “We are each called to reach the world for Christ and make disciples, but  . . . we will never have impact without contact.”

Being like Jesus, seeking the lost, and engaging those around us—that’s what it’s all about.


Engage: Influencing Your World like Jesus

RBP5527 • ISBN: 978-1-64213-677-7

Paper • 111 pages • Retail $8.99

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Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing ministry of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

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