Churches Deepen Impact in Ministry, Get Training from RBP

Alan Wilson speaks at training seminar at Grace Baptist in Laurel, Md. 9/18/21

During a training workshop held at Grace Baptist Church, Laurel, Md., Alan Wilson tells churches that Sunday School is a key part to adding people to the church.

LAUREL, Md.—Attendees from Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland churches learned how they could have deeper impact in ministry when they attended a Regular Baptist Press teacher training seminar hosted by Grace Baptist Church.

Curriculum Specialist Alan Wilson and Business Director Tony Randolph spoke in three workshops, with Alan leading “How to Revive the Sunday School” and “Seven Aims of the Teacher,” and Tony leading “5 Key Components of Small Groups.”

Pastor Luke Scallon calls the morning seminar “a challenging and edifying time together.” He says Alan challenged the churches to think beyond their worship services, while Tony emphasized the effectiveness of small groups.

Pastor Scallon reports it was a blessing to have Tony and Alan “stir our churches for deeper impact in ministry!”


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