Golf Chapel Features RBP Author Ken Floyd

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.Ken Floyd, executive director of the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches, spoke on April 25 to members of Christian Golf Professionals, a fellowship of Christians who serve as club pros and instructors at golf courses across the U.S.

The Theme of Ken’s Message in Golf Chapel

Ken Floyd leads a golf chapel for Christian Golf Professionals

Ken Floyd interacts with members of Christian Golf Professionals in an online golf chapel.

Ken spoke on “Re-Creation: Discipling Others through Sports,” with Genesis 1—2 as the main passage. He also shared principles from 1 Corinthians 9:24–27. Ken says that “recreation continues to be a wonderful opportunity to develop a balanced perspective regarding the stewardship of life. It also provides a great platform for developing gospel relationships with others.”

About a dozen professional golf instructors from across the country attended the online golf chapel live, while several others received a link to watch later. Ken says the “chapel went very well and was a great personal blessing. I was greatly impacted by these professionals who desire to make Christ known through their work in competitive and recreational sports.”

Testimonials about Ken’s Message in Golf Chapel

In turn, Ken received feedback indicating that his chapel message was encouraging and beneficial:

Thank you for your words and life’s experiences that led you to the Lord. You have used that so well in your testimony to us and to so many others. I would love to read your book and thank you for sending books to all who listened. —A PGA pro from eastern Michigan

It was great to hear your testimony yesterday. It was truly inspiring to hear how God uses us to do His work through us for His purpose. It will be awesome to read your book. Thanks again for your time yesterday. —A PGA pro from west Michigan

Sure enjoyed your visit with us today. I was in the gym working out, and listening to you was much better than the golf channel. You seriously had my attention the entire session, so compliments to your speaking ability. I completely related to your church sports stories. I was just speaking with friends yesterday about how horrible church sporting activities are in producing the wrong fruit. Sounds like you have it figured out. Thanks for the book. Sounds like one I am going to really enjoy. —A PGA pro from Louisiana

Ken Floyd challenged us with his testimony and examples of how he used sports and recreation to reach others for Christ. I was reminded of the fact that God uses ordinary people to do his work of sharing the truth of the Gospel. . . . God can use you right where you are—in your family, at your golf course, and in your community!

Ken wrote a book called Men at Play that leads men (and women) to realize the God-given purposes for recreation and leisure in daily living (including golf!). —Raquel Bryant

Experiences That Led to Ken’s Message

Raquel Bryant organized the Christian Golf Professionals golf chapel that Ken Floyd spoke at

Raquel Bryant invites her former pastor Ken Floyd to speak in an online golf chapel for Christian Golf Professionals.

Raquel is a PGA specialized teaching professional at a golf course in Michigan. She knew Ken and his wife, Sharon, from his days as lead pastor of North Park Baptist Church in Grand Rapids. Ken says, “Raquel has heard me share regarding some of these principles in the past. She also helped us sponsor special clinics associated with golf fundraisers for various ministries with which I have served. She helps set up monthly chapels for the Christian Golf Professionals group and invited me to be one of their monthly speakers.”

Though Ken has been only a casual golfer, he worked with golfers at North Park Baptist Church to start a golf league with an evangelistic emphasis. He describes this ministry on pages 72–74 of Men at Play. He also shares the testimony of how his unbelieving golf partner came to salvation through his interactions with Christian golfers in that league.

While Men at Play is directed toward men, the principles in the book “also apply to women who desire to honor God in the stewardship of their personal and recreational time,” Ken says. “I discovered that most books deal with the stewardship of worship (our spiritual ministry to God) and work (our service ministry in the world), without much emphasis on the dynamics of recreation and leisure time (the stewardship ministry of our personal lives).” This Bible study shows how God’s Word addresses Christians’ pursuit of leisure that makes it both spiritually beneficial and personally enriching and replenishing.

Kens says that interacting with the Christian golf professionals was a great blessing. “These professionals take their walk with Christ more seriously than their golf profession. Several expressed the desire to use their sports platform to point others to Christ.” Each person who attended the online golf chapel will receive a gift copy of Men at Play.

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