Game Time: Leviathans vs. Otters

volleyball gameInvite VBS families back to Big Fish Bay for a game or sports day.

Divide volunteers from your church into two groups: leaders/teachers/workers and everyone else. Choose a two-team sport that your church members enjoy. Teams should choose names from Big Fish Bay, such as Leviathans (from the puppet skits), Otters, Seals, Whales, or Dolphins. Hold a friendly competition and invite VBS students and their families to come and watch or even play on a team. Students will enjoy cheering for their VBS teachers/workers. And this will be a great opportunity for your neighbors to discover that your church members like to have fun and can do it with Christlike, Christ-honoring attitudes (practice showing mercy!).

Game ideas:

  • Volleyball
  • Baseball or softball
  • Tug-of-war
  • Basketball
  • Any variation of these

You can play one game or make a day of it with a tournament. Again, serve Big Fish Bay snacks and beverages, and have church information available for people who want to take it. If you have leftover Big Fish Bay balloons, use them and nautical canvas pennant banners to decorate the bleachers or cheering area where fans will sit.

Look for “Thinking Ahead: When It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Big Fish Bay,” part 5 of Make Big Fish Bay a Favorite Summer Vacation Spot, which presents ideas for an additional follow-up event using your Big Fish Bay decorations and materials.

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