Mel Walker Leads Men Modeling the Master Conference

FlintMI_thumbFLINT, Mich.—South Baptist Church hosted Men Modeling the Master, a men’s conference of the Eastern Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Each year, this one-day event focuses on issues relevant to men who are seeking to represent Jesus Christ to our fallen world.

Approximately 75 men representing 14 churches attended on March 5. Mel Walker offered three sessions on developing intergenerational ministries in churches. Walker is cofounder of Vision For Youth, a ministry dedicated to training and encouraging youth workers and students for effective global ministry; vice president of communications and external relations at Summit University; and author of the Next Generation series of books published by Regular Baptist Press.

Backing his thoughts with statistics, Scripture, and practical insights, Walker challenged the men to adopt intentional strategies to link the generations through positive mentoring relationships.

FlintMI_inlineWhen the generations are connected, he says, younger believers are much less likely to leave the church, resulting in stronger churches. Forming mentoring relationships is a simple, inexpensive, and invaluable solution to the alarming departure rate among young Christians today.

With praise to the Lord and gratitude to Mel Walker, Pastor Richard Yokel of Tabernacle Baptist, Hazel Park, Michigan, says Men Modeling the Master delivered practical insights to strengthen churches for today and tomorrow.

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