RBP Author Speaks on How Dispensationalism Makes a Difference

Preble, N.Y.—Dr. Mike Stallard was the main speaker for the Northeast Fellowship Fall Bible Conference hosted by Calvary Baptist Church. The conference theme was “Dispensationalism: The Difference It Makes.” Stallard spoke twice, skillfully tackling the topic, says the Northeast Fellowship.

Mike Stallard teachingStallard often speaks and writes about dispensationalism, including in the Regular Baptist Churches’ magazine, the Baptist Bulletin, and the Friends of Israel’s magazine, Israel My Glory. He is the general editor of Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant (published by Regular Baptist Books), which addresses three views of the belief that God will make His new covenant with Israel, not the church.

In 2015 Stallard joined the board of Friends of Israel. He appreciated FOI’s ministry to Jews but also that FOI has stood by the central dispensational truths of God’s Word. Today Stallard is FOI’s director of international ministries. FOI has put out a video series on dispensationalism, which includes Stallard explaining why literal interpretation is the way to read the Bible.

Read or listen to more on the dispensationalist view of various topics:

  • Download the first chapter of Dispensational Understanding of the New Covenant by following this link and clicking the samples tab.
  • Listen to a podcast of Dr. Stallard addressing replacement theology.
  • Subscribe to the Baptist Bulletin, digital edition, to read an interview, “Premillennialism Today,” with Mike Stallard in the November/December 2014 issue. (If you already subscribe to the print edition, sign up for free digital access.)
  • Subscribe to the Baptist Bulletin to read the November/December 2019 print edition, which presents dispensationalist views on how Biblical prophecy affects Christian living today.

Not sure what dispensationalism is? Click here to read an explanation.

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