Know God Better


Regular Baptist Press announces the publication of The King Eternal: Exploring the Nature of God, a women’s Bible study by Juanita Purcell.

The Lord God, the eternal King, wants His people to know and understand Him better. He says,

Let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight, says the Lord. —Jeremiah 9:24, NKJV

The Lord’s exercise of loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness is tied into His character, or attributes. And His attributes tie into a woman’s beliefs about Him and trust in Him. Most women probably wouldn’t say they love someone they don’t know. But as they get to know another person’s character traits and personality better, love and respect can grow more and more.

The Eternal King is designed to help all women—both novices in knowing God and 2022 cover of The King Eternal: Exploring the Nature of God WBS by Juanita Purcell -- know God bettertroupers who’ve walked with Him a long time—get to understand, know, and love Him better. This study guides women to learn 10 attributes of God and understand how these characteristics affect their everyday lives as well as where and how they will spend eternity:

Triunity                       Omnipresence

Sovereignty                 Immutability

Holiness                      Mercy

Omnipotence             Faithfulness

Omniscience               Goodness

Juanita’s experience being a pastor’s wife, raising three boys, and leading women’s Bible studies has taught her to depend on God and to accept what He sends, whether she wants it or not. The truths she studied about God Himself—learning Who He is and what He is like—have translated into practical, godly living and influencing women to know and live for Him. She has written 14 Bible studies published by Regular Baptist Press. The King Eternal is her 15th.

In the book’s preface, Juanita writes,

If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then you also know God. How do we get to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ, better and better? By reading God’s Word, the Bible, each day.

This Bible study will help women dig into the Word and get to know God “better and better.”


The King Eternal: Exploring the Nature of God

RBP5532 • ISBN 978-1-64213-794-1

Paper • Retail $9.99

About Regular Baptist Press

Regular Baptist Press offers a wide range of curriculum, VBS programs, Bible studies, books, and training seminars. RBP resources are Biblically sound, covering the entirety of Scripture, and designed for spiritual growth.

Regular Baptist Press is the publishing ministry of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.


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