VBS Missions Offering Helps First Responders

Most people run the other way when danger threatens, but not first responders. They have to run into harm’s way regularly to rescue and protect those in the communities they serve. But who rescues, protects, comforts, and meets the needs of first responders? Often it is chaplains. And when chaplains aren’t available, reading the Word of God themselves can provide strength and comfort.

Thanks to the efforts of VBS students, copies of God’s Word can be within easy reach when first responders need them. Children in VBS responded to the ways first responders make life better for everyone. Through a project called Bibles Born for Battlefields, they have raised funds that help give back to the wonderful people who serve.

Elijah Schewe of Bibles Born for Battlefields shows two NKJV waterproof Bibles by holding them up. He's in a blue dress shirt and a silver and blue tie and is standing in front of a wooden United States flag.Bibles Born for Battlefields provides durable Bibles to people on the front lines—police, EMTs, military personnel, and others. These unique Bibles, made of waterproof material that resists tearing, can withstand the rigors of hard duty. They’re also compact, fitting into cargo pockets or other small spaces. Elijah Schewe, a GARBC-endorsed chaplain, oversees the project. He says that the Bible is a resource of comfort for men and women in the field and for those who receive tragic news. “God’s Word is a light in moments of darkness,” he says.

In the worst times, first responders are heroes, but they’re also just human. They need help greater than themselves. They need God’s help. And they need the comfort and direction His Word provides.

The daily heroism of first responders takes a terrible toll. “They see things that you can’t unsee,” Schewe says. When a tragic accident, shooting, or military threat occurs, they must face it head-on. Then they have to deal with any emotional trauma to them and their families. That’s tough to do.

Through the guidance and comfort of God’s Word, first responders will be able to navigate the strain that their experiences place on them and their families. They will be able to serve their communities better. And, when they have the opportunity, they can use God’s Word to share the love of Jesus with those they serve.

Bibles Born for Battlefields is an ongoing project. If you sense God leading you to help provide God’s Word to the first responders who serve your community, please go to the Regular Baptist Chaplaincy donation site and select “Durable Bibles Project” in the drop-down menu under the “Fund” button.

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