Educational Resources Feed

Stretch Your VBS Dollar

Stretch Your VBS Dollar ELGIN, Ill.—At WildLIVE!, RBP’s 2024 VBS program, animals are the stars of the show, and kids get a front-row seat to all their strange and wacky uniqueness. As kids trek around the world to “capture” animals on video, an…
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Be Intentional with Outreach to Kids

Be Intentional with Outreach to Kids How does your church reach out to your community? Is your outreach haphazard or intentional? Do you host large community events, prefer smaller get-togethers, feature holiday celebrations, or do something else or nothing at all? In 2022, my church decided…
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VBS Evangelism Is a Big Deal!

VBS Evangelism Is a Big Deal! RBP VBS is known as The Evangelistic VBS. Our approach to presenting the gospel is clear, consistent, and comprehensive. That’s why we are the only VBS endorsed by Child Evangelism Fellowship, the world’s largest evangelistic outreach ministry to children.…
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Create a Wildlife Park for WildLIVE!

Create a Wildlife Park for WildLIVE! At its core, WildLIVE! is an animal theme where kids encounter creatures from all over the planet while they’re involved in a nature show. Through the lessons, students will focus on Jesus’ captivating character and discover how to follow Him…
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On Location with WildLIVE!

On Location with WildLIVE! WildLIVE! VBS is packed with adventure, so decorating for it can give you one of the most exciting sets ever! Go “on location” and have fun with the habitat concept. In this option,* you’ll decorate areas of your church as…
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Churches Rejoice over VBS 2023

Churches Rejoice over VBS 2023 Churches using RBP’s Stompers & Chompers made “ground-shaking strides,” sharing the Good News with students and helping Christian kids build their faith in God’s big plan. Rejoice with them! Here is a sampling. Rejoice! New Estate Baptist Church in Surlere,…
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Engage Learning Styles to Share the Gospel

Engage Learning Styles to Share the Gospel Do you know kids who have to handle an item they’re learning about—touch it, stand on top of it, or tear it apart—while other students prefer to listen quietly? That’s not surprising, because kids learn best in different ways. So…
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VBS Offering Provides Oasis during Crisis

VBS Offering Provides Oasis during Crisis At Kookaburra Coast VBS, kids ventured throughout Australia, making great memories with eternal impact. A special memory for many of them was the missions project. By participating in Operation Oasis, they assisted people who badly needed help—when they needed…
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Relating to Kids: Workshop 3 VBS 2023

Relating to Kids: Workshop 3 VBS 2023 Your third Stompers & Chompers VBS workshop can focus on relating to kids in areas such as motivating desirable behavior, preventing child abuse, presenting the gospel, leading a student to believe on Jesus as Savior, and having a child-friendly demeanor.…
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Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty: VBS Workshop 2

Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty: VBS Workshop 2 While VBS workshop 1 introduced your team to Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan and provided a good start in preparing for VBS 2023, workshop 2 addresses the nitty-gritty. This workshop will train workers on how…
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Your First Workshop: Workshop 1 for VBS 2023

Your First Workshop: Workshop 1 for VBS 2023 You’ve prayerfully recruited a great VBS team! Now your teammates need to know how to make the most of the theme, Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan; use the VBS resources; comport themselves in kid-friendly…
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Postcards Become Prayer Cards

Postcards Become Prayer Cards Fairly soon children will be stomping and chomping their way through your “jungle” as they enjoy Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Size Faith in God’s Big Plan. In the meantime, how do you line up and communicate with prayer warriors
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VBS 2023 Prayer Warriors

VBS 2023 Prayer Warriors “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18). How will you be letting your community know about Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s
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Check Your Checklist and Ask Others to Pray

Check Your Checklist and Ask Others to Pray As you prepare for your visitors to Stomp and Chomp Jungle during your 2023 VBS, Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan, it would be easy for something to fall through the cracks. The list below should…
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Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Plan for VBS

Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Plan for VBS Imagine What God Might Do! Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan is a once-in-a-few-millennia opportunity! Here faith grows in dino-sized ways. This isn’t just any dinosaur world. It’s a whimsical adventure that will have dinosaurs and…
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Combating Wintertime Blahs

Combating Wintertime Blahs Do the kids in your children’s club have the wintertime blahs? If they do, how can you motivate them while combating their blahs? The answer is to offer exciting, fun events during slump times to motivate children to attend and…
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Be a Secret Barnabas

Be a Secret Barnabas The Christian missionary and servant we know as Barnabas was really named Joseph (Acts 4:36). Barnabas, his nickname, means “son of encouragement,” which reveals a lot about him. Today, enlisting a “Barnabas team” is one way you can dispel a…
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Kids4Truth Clubs Customized Training

Kids4Truth Clubs Customized Training HASTINGS, Mich.—June 26–27, Hastings Baptist Church hosted a Children’s Ministry Training Weekend and invited Kids4Truth Clubs Program Specialist Marrena Ralph to speak. Working with Matt Moser, the church’s pastor, and Pam, the church’s Kids4Truth Clubs director, Marrena customized the sessions…
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VBS 2023: Welcome to the World of Dinosaurs

VBS 2023: Welcome to the World of Dinosaurs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Churches and their communities are invited to a “dinormous” time of learning and fun at Stompers & Chompers: Building Dino-Sized Faith in God’s Big Plan. This “world of dinosaurs” theme allows kids to explore our…
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Year-End Ceremony: Do the Unexpected!

Year-End Ceremony: Do the Unexpected! As your Kids4Truth Clubs wrap up for 2021–22, make a big deal of your year-end award ceremony. The Traditional Year-End Ceremony Hold your ceremony on a Sunday evening, Wednesday night, or your regular clubs night. And consider inviting your…
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Shake Up Your Kids’ Club Nights

Shake Up Your Kids’ Club Nights Springtime activities will soon beckon children away from your church’s weekday club. Now may be the time to change your routine. You can shake up your kids’ club nights by using a little creativity. Tonya Calton of Lee’s Summit (Missouri)…
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The ‘Why Factor’ Answers Kids’ Questions about the Bible

The ‘Why Factor’ Answers Kids’ Questions about the Bible “I don’t believe in God or the Bible,” the young skeptic says. He calmly lays out his reasons for disbelief to anyone who will listen. For everyone who isn’t as receptive, he raises thought-provoking questions. That may not seem too…
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50 Years of Vacation Bible School

50 Years of Vacation Bible School By Don Anderson The year 1971 was pivotal in the United States. The 26th amendment to the U.S. Constitution lowered the voting age to 18. Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida. The NASDAQ stock market index debuted. Intel introduced the…
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4 Activities To Fight the Wintertime Blahs

4 Activities To Fight the Wintertime Blahs Most parts of the country are facing their coldest and wettest time of the year. With this cold, damp weather, parents and kids just don’t want to go out. At the same time, the school year is half to two-thirds…
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The Why Factor of VBS

The Why Factor of VBS Is The Evangelistic VBS™ for Christian kids? Absolutely! It’s for every child. Even kids from Christian families and solid, Bible-teaching churches need to understand why they should believe what they are being taught. I call it the “why” factor. And…
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VBS 2021: Wrap It Up with Follow-Up

VBS 2021: Wrap It Up with Follow-Up   With the passage of Labor Day, summer is fading fast, and VBS 2021 is history. Or is it? Consider wrapping up VBS 2021 with follow-up throughout the fall and into the new year. Here are six ideas for now,…
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Additional Resources You Could Use in Kids4Truth Clubs

Additional Resources You Could Use in Kids4Truth Clubs Kids4Truth Clubs covers 12 doctrinal themes, which are supported by theme resources available on the EquipU site. These resources aid in teaching the 12 doctrinal themes, but some teachers enjoy digging even deeper as they prepare to teach lessons;…
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9 Questions for You to Ask after VBS

9 Questions for You to Ask after VBS Ask these nine questions to evaluate the execution of your VBS strategy. Did you reach your goals? Why or why not? Did you choose the best workers for each department? (Review the job descriptions on the Director Resources CD of…
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Thank VBS Workers for Their Service

Thank VBS Workers for Their Service Your church family prayed for VBS. Don’t leave them ignorant of how God answered. If you haven’t already done so, hold a special service, or set aside time during a regular service, to report on VBS and express appreciation…
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Touch Base with VBS Families

Touch Base with VBS Families Your Vacation Bible School touched a number of people, not just kids. How can you touch base with them? Here are ways to follow up with individuals in three categories: all who attended VBS, those who made decisions at VBS,…
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4 Ways to Enhance Your Midweek Club Calendar

4 Ways to Enhance Your Midweek Club Calendar When I look at Kids4Truth Clubs, I see a fun, exciting program like Vacation Bible School; but this program meets once a week and runs a good part of the calendar year. Since it does run 9–12 months, variety…
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3 Ideas for Reintroducing Sunday School This Fall

3 Ideas for Reintroducing Sunday School This Fall Traditionally, fall is “back to school” time and back to Sunday School time too! But in the last year, COVID has thrown a wrench into many of our church plans. Yet the pandemic may have been a blessing in disguise,…
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An Awesome Australian Adventure Awaits at VBS

An Awesome Australian Adventure Awaits at VBS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.— Regular Baptist Press introduces VBS 2022 and welcomes churches to give kids a memorable experience at Kookaburra Coast: Awesome Adventures in God’s Glory. At Kookaburra Coast kids will discover unique destinations and exotic animals—complete…
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4 Ways to Have Happy Volunteers

4 Ways to Have Happy Volunteers Well-trained volunteers are happy workers, because they know what needs to be done and how to do it. After volunteers’ initial training, ongoing instruction provides additional information for working with children. With this in mind, Kids4Truth Clubs offers a variety…
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RBP’s Highly Anticipated ‘Strong Students’ Available for Fall

RBP’s Highly Anticipated ‘Strong Students’ Available for Fall FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Strong Students curriculum from Regular Baptist Press strengthens teens so that when the chaos of the world closes in and truth is being redefined, they’re better equipped to stand for truth. Strong Students for…
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Local Club Honors City Police Department

Local Club Honors City Police Department CASS CITY, Mich.—In April, the Cass City Police Department posted a thank-you to First Baptist Church for a gift from the Kids4Truth Clubs children: “In these unsettling times, gestures like this make us even more grateful to work for such…
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Volunteers Make VBS Glow

Volunteers Make VBS Glow To pull off a black-light VBS, a small team of volunteers must start working two to three months ahead. As VBS gets closer, invite more and more volunteers to be involved. Alisa Greene, wife of Pastor Jimmy Greene at Higher…
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Create the Glow!

Create the Glow! With your black lights, background material (black plastic or cardboard painted black), and glow chalk purchased, you’re ready to take the next step to create Big Fish Bay, with its shops, church, seafood restaurant, harbor master’s office, lighthouse, marina,…
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Shorter Program, Same Power: A Three-Day VBS

Shorter Program, Same Power: A Three-Day VBS VBS is famous for its exciting, eternal impact. But can you pack all that bang into three days? Yes! If God leads in that direction for your church, you can get every inch of the mileage in terms of fun,…
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Glow in VBS: Use Black Lights

Glow in VBS: Use Black Lights For over 20 years Alisa Greene has been helping churches hold VBS in the dark by presenting black-light VBSes. “I guess the idea started with my two daughters when they were young and decorating their room with glow-in-the-dark stars on…
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Plan a Kids4Truth Clubs Award Ceremony

Plan a Kids4Truth Clubs Award Ceremony Reward students who applied themselves to their memory work during the club year—hold a year-end award ceremony in front of the entire church. During this ceremony, each student who has met your criteria earns a year-end pin and certificate. Each…
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Your Opportunity: 5 Ideas to Bring Back Sunday School!

Your Opportunity: 5 Ideas to Bring Back Sunday School! As many churches are opening back to “somewhat” normal after COVID-19 shutdowns, they can turn this difficult time into an opportunity to highlight and renew their dedication to Sunday School. Following are five ideas to consider for effectively bringing back…
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A VBS That Keeps Working: Growth with Goals

A VBS That Keeps Working: Growth with Goals CHILDREN ARE FASCINATED with growing. They love to measure themselves against how tall they were last year (or even against Mom or Dad)! It makes them feel “all grown up.” Growth is also a big part of what a church…
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A VBS That Keeps Working: Family Discipleship

A VBS That Keeps Working: Family Discipleship WATCH WHAT HAPPENS just after a VBS leader has led a student to the Savior. Both are absolutely “walking on air”! There’s nothing like it in the world. At first, much of what happens with that student is one-on-one.…
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A VBS that Keeps Working: One-on-One Discipleship

A VBS that Keeps Working: One-on-One Discipleship A HIGH POINT in the year spiritually for many people is Vacation Bible School. That’s largely because of the relationship factor and God’s love being poured out on children and their families at VBS. Students are impacted forever! That depth…
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Prepare Children to Carry on the Faith

Prepare Children to Carry on the Faith Christian children are the next generation of pastors, teachers, deacons, and church leaders. While they are young, we should begin preparing them to carry on the faith. Children everywhere are looking to adults as they develop their life philosophies and…
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Make Big Fish Bay Your Back-to-School Event

Make Big Fish Bay Your Back-to-School Event Children love to celebrate being more grown up! And birthdays aren’t the only time to celebrate. Enjoying the end of summer and looking forward to a new school year is another. What better way to celebrate than with a supercharged,…
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Kids Given Opportunity to Bless Orphans This Summer

Kids Given Opportunity to Bless Orphans This Summer Now more than ever orphans in developing nations need a safe harbor. They were needy before the spread of COVID-19 resulted in more illness, death, poverty, and need. This summer, American kids can help these orphans by giving to Operation…
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Virtual RBP Women’s Bible Studies Continue during COVID-19

Virtual RBP Women’s Bible Studies Continue during COVID-19 COVID-19 and the prohibition against meeting in groups haven’t stopped women using RBP Women’s Bible Studies from using the internet to study God’s Word together. Meet Lisa and Quortney, who are leading Bible studies in very different ways. Lisa Myers,…
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Kids4Truth Clubs Choir Meets Virtually

Kids4Truth Clubs Choir Meets Virtually Josh and Michelle Plonk minister at Bethel Baptist Church, in Schaumburg, Ill., where he is the children’s pastor and she leads a Kids4Truth Clubs choir. During the coronavirus outbreak (and resulting stay-at-home orders), Michelle has been making videos to go…
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News Releases Invite Your Community

News Releases Invite Your Community Send news releases to local newspapers, radio stations, and local cable television stations. If you’re not sure how to do that, read about sending a press/news/media release. Also post information on your church’s website and social media sites. VBS 2020…
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Charting a Course for VBS 2020

Charting a Course for VBS 2020 Yes, VBS May Be Unique This Year—but also the Most Evangelistic Ever! Many things stand out about VBS leaders, but one amazing skill is their ability to adapt and work with almost anything. Part of the giant stage decorations could…
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Six Ideas for Family-Directed Advertising

Six Ideas for Family-Directed Advertising Editor’s Note: In light of current shelter-in-place orders, you may think some of these suggestions are unattainable, but you can still look to some of these methods with creative thinking and see results. The second idea listed here is likely…
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Enter a VBS Float in a Community Parade

Enter a VBS Float in a Community Parade Advertise your church’s VBS program by entering a float in a Fourth of July or other community parade. Decorate your float like an Eastern Seaboard fishing village. Check out the Director Resource CD Set for patterns and decorating ideas to…
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Engaging Strong Kids via Digital Sunday School

Engaging Strong Kids via Digital Sunday School Sunday School teachers are creatively engaging their students by using their Strong Kids curriculum digitally, meeting at home instead of church. David Gunn, director of Regular Baptist Press, points out the importance of continuing to engage students Biblically during the…
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A Refuge for Ourselves and Others

A Refuge for Ourselves and Others For many people, the crisis caused by COVID-19 really hit home when they walked into a store around the second weekend of March only to find bare shelves. That’s not something we’re familiar with in America. Since that time, everything…
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COVID-19 and Vacation Bible School

COVID-19 and Vacation Bible School Editor’s Note: Since the publication of this article, a resource for Charting a Course for VBS 2020 has been released. Perhaps more than anything else in recent history, the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the uncertainty of life. As James wrote,…
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Recruit a Great Team

Recruit a Great Team Who can teach the Bible in an exciting, memorable, and relevant way? Who loves twos and threes? Who is good with crafts? Who loves to decorate? Who is kind and smiles often? That’s who you want on your VBS team!…
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12 Weeks’ Worth of VBS One-Liners

12 Weeks’ Worth of VBS One-Liners Editor’s Note: We understand that many churches are not currently meeting due to COVID-19. With the uncertainty of when shelter-in-place orders will be lifted, consider ways to incorporate these invitations into your current practices. Try integrating these into the slides…
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How to Reward Students Remotely

How to Reward Students Remotely ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Churches are holding Kids4Truth Clubs online! Their leaders are experimenting with technology, program schedules, memorization, and the like, including how to reward students remotely. More than simply keeping track of students’ achievements while they’re home, consider these…
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Churches Bring Kids4Truth Clubs Home

Churches Bring Kids4Truth Clubs Home ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—While Kids4Truth Clubs is helping leaders interact with students long-distance during the coronavirus outbreak, some churches have been ahead of the curve. Here is how two churches have maintained personal contact with their students and kept on with…
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Free At-Home Discipleship for Families Sheltering at Home

Free At-Home Discipleship for Families Sheltering at Home ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—With several states and local school districts opting to close public and private schools for the coming weeks during the COVID-19 virus, RBP’s Kids4Truth Clubs is providing free resources to help families while they’re at home. “As Christians,…
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Interact with Your Community to Publicize Your VBS

Interact with Your Community to Publicize Your VBS Take your publicity to where the people are! Here are three ideas for using Big Fish Bay resources to promote your VBS in your community. Big Fish Bay Display Set up a Big Fish Bay! Hooked on God’s Mercy display…
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Publicity Overview: Countdown & Checklist

Publicity Overview: Countdown & Checklist Don’t let publicity fall through the cracks as your team prepares for VBS. This countdown overview and checklist will help you and others keep on top of publicizing your Big Fish Bay VBS. Time Vacation Bible School Publicity Countdown 3…
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Set a Goal, Reach a Goal in VBS

Set a Goal, Reach a Goal in VBS by Joshua Mason If only there were no limits on what could be done in ministry—unlimited hours in each day, a rich donor to pay for every financial need, always plenty of volunteers—but enough of dreaming. In real life it…
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What You Wear Says a Lot!

What You Wear Says a Lot! In certain restaurants, all the waitstaff wear white shirts, black pants, and nametags. Or maybe they all wear a certain color or style of shirt. Or hats. Likewise, all the employees of your favorite grocery store may wear the same…
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RBP’s Highly Anticipated ‘Strong Students’ Available for Fall

RBP’s Highly Anticipated ‘Strong Students’ Available for Fall Editorial Note: Since the publication of this press release, there have been updates to the release date for Strong Students. Due to the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, we are delaying the start of Strong Students curriculum to Fall 2021. FOR IMMEDIATE…
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Thinking Ahead: When It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Big Fish Bay

Thinking Ahead: When It’s Time to Say Good-Bye to Big Fish Bay Before you say good-bye to Big Fish Bay, host a cookout, picnic, or fish fry. Be sure lots of friendly church members are there to greet and interact with guests. Sing some VBS songs and quote VBS verses.…
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Game Time: Leviathans vs. Otters

Game Time: Leviathans vs. Otters Invite VBS families back to Big Fish Bay for a game or sports day. Divide volunteers from your church into two groups: leaders/teachers/workers and everyone else. Choose a two-team sport that your church members enjoy. Teams should choose names from…
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When Fruit & Scripture Collide

When Fruit & Scripture Collide Remember that time you bought fresh fruit for that amazing smoothie recipe you found on Pinterest only to find that you’d lost track of time and the fruit had gone bad? Yeah, me too. I live across the street from…
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A Puppet Matinee!

A Puppet Matinee! If you only do the Will Ketchit Skits during VBS, consider presenting a matinee performance of the Big Fish Bay Puppet Skits. Here are three possible ways to present the skits: Have your church’s puppet team present them. Invite…
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Have a Family Fun Fair in Big Fish Bay after VBS

Have a Family Fun Fair in Big Fish Bay after VBS Keep having fun and learning after VBS! Use the Big Fish Bay postcards to invite students and families back to your church for a Big Fish Bay family fun fair. And when you visit students for follow-up, invite the family…
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Summer Days in Big Fish Bay

Summer Days in Big Fish Bay RBP’s 2020 VBS program, Big Fish Bay: Hooked on God’s Mercy, has so many great ideas that no church could include them all in one week of VBS. So why not stretch the fun and learning to include more…
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VBS 2020 Now Shipping!

VBS 2020 Now Shipping!
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Rotation Names in Big Fish Bay

Rotation Names in Big Fish Bay When you call rotations by theme names, every place in VBS becomes part of Big Fish Bay. For example, snack time is now Tall Ship Treats, and that little extra touch helps students become sailors! Decorating the locations according to…
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‘Operation Safe Harbor’ Missions Project

‘Operation Safe Harbor’ Missions Project ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press is once again emphasizing orphans. As the RBP team prayed about next year’s VBS missions project, God led them to choose orphans as the offering recipients. Then, tying it in with the 2020 theme, Big
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When VBS Goes Dark

When VBS Goes Dark LEXINGTON, N.C.—Higher Ground Baptist Church added to the excitement of Giddyup Junction: Taking God’s Love to New Frontiers by going dark. Nighttime in the city can’t compare to a starlit night on the prairie. Using fluorescent paint and fabrics, glow-in-the…
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Still Looking for a Missions Project?

Still Looking for a Missions Project? Already had your VBS? Consider the Character Count missions project as a special offering for a Labor Day picnic, harvest offering, or a Christmas giving project! The need doesn’t end when summer is over. What do prisoners in local jails…
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Free Online Kids4Truth Clubs Training Available This Month

Free Online Kids4Truth Clubs Training Available This Month ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—In many areas of the country, school starts this month. And that means Kids4Truth Clubs in local churches are starting too. To help churches train workers, RBP’s Kids4Truth Clubs specialist, Marrena Ralph, hosted an online training session…
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Spread the Good News of God’s Love through Follow-Up

Spread the Good News of God’s Love through Follow-Up The Good News went to many new frontiers through your VBS. Students were reached with the gospel, to the glory of God. But after VBS, how can you help them grow and keep the good news of God’s love spreading?…
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GARBC Honors RBP Author

GARBC Honors RBP Author Dr. Myron Houghton, RBP author and longtime theology professor, was honored at the recent 2019 GARBC conference for his lifetime of teaching and writing. Dr. Houghton began his teaching career at Denver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in 1971…
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Don’t Trash Your VBS Decorations

Don’t Trash Your VBS Decorations Your students loved riding into Giddyup Junction, and the decorations were a big part of taking them out West. But it’s true—what goes up for VBS must come down. After VBS, what do you do with all those crepe paper…
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Demons Book Gets Endorsement from Word of Life

Demons Book Gets Endorsement from Word of Life Author Alex Konya, director of Word of Life Europe and Eurasia, and Paul Weaver, academic dean of the Word of Life Global Bible Institute, recently talked about Alex’s book, Demons: A Biblically Based Perspective on WOL’s Learn the Word podcast.…
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Children Receive Jesus as Savior at the Evangelistic VBS™

Children Receive Jesus as Savior at the Evangelistic VBS™ WELLINGTON, Ohio—First Baptist Church hosted local children for VBS June 10–14. They transformed their building into Giddyup Junction, an Old West town, where kids learned about the good news of God’s love—the gospel—going to new frontiers in the…
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Regular Baptist Press 2020 VBS Available for Preorder

Regular Baptist Press 2020 VBS Available for Preorder ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—The 2020 Regular Baptist Press Vacation Bible School, Big Fish Bay: Hooked on God’s Mercy, is available for preorder at Big Fish Bay features a nautical theme built around Psalm 103:8, “The LORD is merciful and…
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RBP Represented at Northeast Fellowship Conference

RBP Represented at Northeast Fellowship Conference BREESPORT, N.Y.—Alan Wilson, US field coordinator for Regular Baptist Press, was privileged to be part of the Northeast Fellowship’s Serve Boldly Conference. Breesport Baptist Church hosted the conference April 13. Leaders of several churches and Christian organizations taught nearly three…
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Developing Strong Defenders of the Faith Takes a Strong Curriculum

Developing Strong Defenders of the Faith Takes a Strong Curriculum Arlington Heights, Ill.—Young people are constantly bombarded with lies at school, online, and virtually everywhere else. Whether those lies are teaching evolution, encouraging a false sense of identity, or telling kids they have no value, truth is under attack. And…
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Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn: Pray!

Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn: Pray! 10th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You, your knowledge, your abilities, your workers—all are imperfect. God can bless your clubs even when the people and program have weaknesses. But there is…
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Make Workers a Valuable Part of Your Teaching Team

Make Workers a Valuable Part of Your Teaching Team 9th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph & Jonita Barram The memory techniques you use to help children learn are key, but there is a “secret weapon” in your room that can sink…
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Use Effective Memory Techniques

Use Effective Memory Techniques 8th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph As you get to know the kids in your club, you get to know their unique needs, which may include help with their memory work.…
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Be Sensitive to Needs

Be Sensitive to Needs 7th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph Effective use of review games reinforces students’ learning. Marrena suggests tailoring games to employ the students’ various learning styles. But what about their other needs? Read…
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Use Games Effectively

Use Games Effectively 6th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You are using a reward system, and that’s great. Kids enjoy being rewarded for doing well, especially in review games, especially when there’s competition! Kids4Truth…
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Use a Reward System

Use a Reward System 5th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You’ve shown your students that you value God and His Word, now it’s time to show them that you value their time and effort. Someone…
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Show the Children What You Value

Show the Children What You Value 4th in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You have evaluated the components of a safe, inviting environment. Now it truly is time to engage with your students. In our society, people show…
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Our VBS 2019 Theme…

Our VBS 2019 Theme… …will be announced on the evening of Tuesday, June 26. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width:100%;} /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We recommend moving this block and the preceding…
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Make Your Program Special

Make Your Program Special 3rd in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You’ve prayed. You’ve investigated your heart and made changes. Now it’s time to teach! But wait. Before any kids arrive, make your program special. What…
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Be Excited and Zealous

Be Excited and Zealous 2nd in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph You’ve prayed for your students and for yourself as their teacher. You’ve prayed to learn as you read the articles in this series. Now it’s time…
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Pray First: How to Engage Students and Motivate Them to Learn

Pray First: How to Engage Students and Motivate Them to Learn 1st in a Series on Engaging Children and Motivating Them to Learn Marrena Ralph He sat in the seat I wished wasn’t there—you know, that seat where the portable wall pulls out into the room and kids try to “disappear.”…
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Baker Book House VBS Kickoff Showcases Camp Moose-on-the-Loose

Baker Book House VBS Kickoff Showcases Camp Moose-on-the-Loose GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.—Most people wouldn’t associate the month of January with Vacation Bible School. But January is known as the sweet spot for VBS—it’s when many churches begin thinking about what theme will best fit their ministries in the summer.…
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Kids Need and Want to Know Who God Is

Kids Need and Want to Know Who God Is By Marrena Ralph A generation or so ago, parents wanted their children to attend church even if they didn’t attend themselves. Those children have grown up but are no longer attending church. Why? Where are they, and why did they…
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Children’s Program at the GARBC Conference

Children’s Program at the GARBC Conference Marrena Ralph, clubs program specialist for Kids4Truth Clubs, and a team of children’s workers ministered to children at the 2017 GARBC Conference. “This week it has been our joy and privilege to work with the children and to use the…
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Successful Sunday Morning Discipleship

Successful Sunday Morning Discipleship Opening with Psalm 78, Alan Wilson, the U.S. field coordinator for Regular Baptist Press, shared with his audience the importance of Sunday School. He began with an intriguing question, “What qualities does a baseball player have if he is a…
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Intentionality of Discipleship

Intentionality of Discipleship Have you ever heard it said, or even said this yourself, “Spiritual maturity is a natural by-product of a believer in Christ.” That statement is true in a sense, but it is like saying, “I will be lean and fit…
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Introducing the New Testament Exposition Commentary™

Introducing the New Testament Exposition Commentary™ On Wednesday evening of the GARBC conference, Daniel Davey, president of Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, announced an exciting new publishing initiative. Davey is partnering with Regular Baptist Press to develop the New Testament Exposition Commentary™ series (NTEC). The series will…
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RBP Hosts Rock-Climbing Event

RBP Hosts Rock-Climbing Event There were plenty of smiles and excitement all around as kids of all ages took the climbing wall challenge during a Regular Baptist Press–sponsored event Wednesday afternoon. The event was intended, in part, to highlight the unveiling of the 2018…
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Powerful Midweek Programs

Powerful Midweek Programs Marrena Ralph presented a well-attended module on the topic “Powerful Midweek Programs” at the GARBC conference. She explained that teaching systematic theology to kids isn’t just possible: it’s critical to cultivating a healthy children’s ministry. Kids4Truth is a program that…
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Learning from an Emerging Educational Model

Learning from an Emerging Educational Model Some publishers today have begun to offer Sunday School curriculum using an educational model called the rotation model. Vacation Bible School programs have been utilizing this model for several years, but recently churches have begun to use it in children’s…
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Kids4Truth Clubs Leads Teacher Training

Kids4Truth Clubs Leads Teacher Training PETERSBURG, Ky.—When Marrena Ralph went to visit her son Peter, the youth director of Bullittsburg Baptist Church, she took advantage of an opportunity and asked the church to host a Kids4Truth Clubs training event. This enabled her to invite churches…
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Webinar: Equip Your Teaching Staff

Webinar: Equip Your Teaching Staff An important component of a pastor’s role is “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry” (Eph. 4:12). Author Don Anderson will lead an online seminar for pastors, focusing on how they can equip their churches’ teachers, especially Sunday…
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Webinar: Preaching in HD

Webinar: Preaching in HD Join John Greening, GARBC national representative and RBP author, and Randy Cook, pastor of Meridian (Idaho) First Baptist Church, for the webinar “HD (High Def) Preaching.” Achieve the powerful potential of presenting the Bible with its stories, drama, and…
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Join us for our 2nd annual Late Night With RBP!

Join us for our 2nd annual Late Night With RBP! Enjoy a complimentary reception with Regular Baptist Press on Tuesday, June 28, at 8:45 p.m. at the GARBC Conference. Last year’s reception was energetic and well attended, so don’t miss out on the sequel! Enjoy food and fellowship as…
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RBP to Host Complimentary Reception During the GARBC Conference

RBP to Host Complimentary Reception During the GARBC Conference Regular Baptist Press will host a complimentary reception on Tuesday, June 28, at 8:45 p.m. at the GARBC Conference. Last year’s reception was energetic and well attended, so don’t miss out on the sequel! Enjoy food and fellowship as…
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A Jazzed-Up Sunday School?

A Jazzed-Up Sunday School? by John F. Klem The Wall Street Journal recently published an article entitled, “How Churches Are Rethinking Sunday School.” The author, Melanie Grayce West, documents how several New York City churches are rethinking and redesigning the traditional approach to Sunday…
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Free Teacher Training Opportunity in South Carolina

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer free teacher training workshops on Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Hampton Inn–Hilton Head, 1 Dillon Rd., Hilton Head Island, SC 29926. The workshops will be…
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Arizona Church Learns How to Better Connect with Students

Arizona Church Learns How to Better Connect with Students BUCKEYE, Ariz.—Alan Wilson, regional manager for Regular Baptist Press, provided a teacher-training workshop for more than 30 attendees Sept. 19 at Desert Hills Baptist Church. Topics included “How to use RBP Curriculum Effectively,” “Be a Quality Teacher,” and “Seven Aims…
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New Adult Sunday School Course Examines Cultural Issues

New Adult Sunday School Course Examines Cultural Issues ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.—Current Culture: A Biblical Understanding and Response, a new adult Sunday School course studying current cultural issues from a Biblical worldview, is now available at This course addresses cultural issues confronting believers today and is designed…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity in Texas

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Thursday, Feb. 5, 6:00–8:00 p.m, at First Baptist Church, 325 West McCarty Lane, San Marcos, Texas. Two additional training sessions…
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Bible Study Examines God’s Redemptive Plan

Bible Study Examines God’s Redemptive Plan FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The second edition of God’s Plan of Redemption by veteran RBP author Valerie Wilson is now available for order at This updated version of the original challenges the reader through…
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Webinar to Discuss Ministering to Young Children

Webinar to Discuss Ministering to Young Children SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The Regular Baptist Web Community will host a seminar titled “Teaching Young Children: Early Education,” led by RBP Regional Manager Alan Wilson, Nov. 11 at 6 p.m. Central. An ideal opportunity for those who are currently or plan to…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, Nov. 8, at the Hampton Inn located at 8419 N. Tryon St., Charlotte, NC. The training session will be…
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Webinar to Discuss Church Budget Planning

Webinar to Discuss Church Budget Planning Michael Nolan, GARBC treasurer, will host a webinar on Sept. 18. at 7 p.m. CDT on church budget planning. “Facing a Tight Church Budget” will provide helpful insight and personalized assistance to help churches plan for their fiscal year. To…
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Web Community Announces Church-Planting Seminar Series

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The Regular Baptist Web Community will host a four-part seminar on church planting starting Sept. 11, facilitated by Scott Greening, pastor of Great Commission Baptist Church, Schaumburg, Ill. The seminar is…
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Seminar to Discuss “Staying Fresh in Ministry”

Seminar to Discuss “Staying Fresh in Ministry” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The Regular Baptist Web Community fall season will launch Sept. 8 with a three-part seminar titled “Staying Fresh in Ministry,” facilitated by GARBC National Representative Dr. John Greening, and his wife,…
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Webinars Discuss Adult and Youth Sunday School

Webinars Discuss Adult and Youth Sunday School Nearly 70 participants from across the United States took advantage of two free Regular Baptist Web Community webinars, discussing adult and youth Sunday School materials and outreach. “Truth for Living in a Faux World,” instructed by Alex Bauman, director of…
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Regular Baptist Fall Web Class Schedule Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The Regular Baptist Web Community fall class schedule is now available at Regular Baptist Web Community events are an ideal resource for Regular Baptist Press customers, and support the…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, Aug. 9, at the Double Tree Hotel Oak Ridge/Knoxville located at 215 South Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tenn. The…
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New Book Offers Biblical Answers for Substance Abuse

New Book Offers Biblical Answers for Substance Abuse FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A new book offering Biblical answers to help counsel addicts is now available for order at More than Sobriety provides a Biblical perspective on substance abuse, offering Biblical answers in…
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Regular Baptist Press 2015 VBS Available for Preorder

Regular Baptist Press 2015 VBS Available for Preorder FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The 2015 Regular Baptist Press Vacation Bible School, To the Edge: Encounter the God of the Universe, is available for preorder at This space-adventure-themed program will rocket its way into…
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Book Examines History of Baptist Fundamentalism

Book Examines History of Baptist Fundamentalism FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 Book Examines History of Baptist Fundamentalism SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A new book by Kevin Bauder and Robert Delnay that examines the origins of Baptist fundamentalism from 1870 to 1950 is now available for order…
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New Devotional Encourages “15 Minutes with the Master”

New Devotional Encourages “15 Minutes with the Master” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 New Devotional Encourages “15 Minutes with the Master” SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A new women’s devotional journal by longtime RBP author Juanita Purcell is now available for order at  Orders will be shipped no…
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New Dorothy Davis Bible Study Now Available

New Dorothy Davis Bible Study Now Available FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 New Dorothy Davis Bible Study Now Available  SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Reflecting His Glory, the latest women’s Bible study from RBP author Dorothy Davis, is now available for order at Orders will be…
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New Way to Donate to GARBC Ministries Announced

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact General Association of Regular Baptist Churches 888-588-1600 A new web-based processing system will allow those wishing to give to GARBC ministries greater flexibility in making donations. The new system provides a means for processing noncash gifts…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Holiday Inn, Austin North located at 2370 Chisolm Trail, Round Rock, Texas. The training session…
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Book Asks, “How’s Your Attitude?”

Book Asks, “How’s Your Attitude?” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A new women’s Bible study by longtime RBP author Juanita Purcell is now available for preorder at How’s Your Attitude? A Study in the Beatitudes is a 10-lesson study…
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Help Reach Children of the World through VBS

SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—What if you knew that hundreds of boxes of free Vacation Bible School material were ready to be shipped, material that will be used to introduce children all over the world to Christ? And what if you also knew…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, December 7, at the Hampton Inn located at 2633 Washington St., Grafton, Wis. The training session will be from…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, November 2, at the Hampton Inn & Suites located at 1640 US Highway 287, Mansfield, Texas. Two identical training…
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Mission Focus

Mission Focus By Manning Brown Of the varied positions I had throughout my Air Force career, one of the most challenging was that of public affairs planner. I was responsible for both daily and long-range planning, which included developing crisis action plans…
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CEF Recommends RBP’s 2014 VBS “Arrow Island”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Child Evangelism Fellowship® has announced its endorsement of the 2014 Regular Baptist Press Vacation Bible School, Arrow Island: Choosing God’s Way. This is the fourth consecutive year that RBP VBS…
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How Routine Is It?

How Routine Is It? By Manning Brown Routines—all of us have them, and their scope goes from the minute to the grand. We are given 24 hours in a day. Roughly a third is filled with sleep, a third with work, and a third…
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Regular Baptist Press 2014 VBS Available for Pre-order

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—The 2014 Regular Baptist Press Vacation Bible School, Arrow Island: Choosing God’s Way, is available for pre-order at Set in the tropical habitat of Arrow Island, the 2014 Vacation Bible…
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Choosing Wisely

Choosing Wisely By Manning Brown Regular Baptist Press I once heard it said that our life is the culmination of the choices we make. Several years ago a popular prime-time game show asked contestants to make a series of choices involving briefcases…
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Getting Back To The Fundamentals

Getting Back To The Fundamentals By Manning Brown Regular Baptist Press Football coaching great Vince Lombardi, upon introduction to his team—so the story goes—holds out a football and simply states, “This is a football,” and from there reintroduces the team to the fundamentals of the…
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Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 Free Sunday School Teacher Training Opportunity  SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—Regular Baptist Press will offer a free teacher training workshop on Saturday, July 27, at the Hampton Inn located at 307 Office Park Drive, Bryant,…
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New Book Series on Acts Studies Power of the Spirit

New Book Series on Acts Studies Power of the Spirit FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A new women’s Bible study on the book of Acts by Valerie Wilson, presented in three works, is now available at Living in the Power of the Spirit (Acts…
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Book Calls on Christian Leaders to be “Biblical Slave Leaders”

Book Calls on Christian Leaders to be “Biblical Slave Leaders” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact  Regular Baptist Press 800-727-4440 SCHAUMBURG, Ill.—A book by Dr. Daniel L. Anderson, president of Appalachian Bible College, is now available at Biblical Slave Leadership: A Stewardship from Above to Lead from Below is written…
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RBP to Host BuildUP Training Seminars in New York

Regular Baptist Press can help your teachers grow in their effectiveness through two seminars on Saturday, Oct. 20, at Grace Baptist Church, Batavia, N.Y. Alex Bauman, director of Regular Baptist Press, will be teaching an Impact Teaching Seminar for teachers…
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RBP to Host BuildUP Training in Ohio

On Saturday, Aug. 25, Regular Baptist Press will present a Blueprint Leadership Seminar and an Impact Teaching Seminar at Tri-County Baptist Church, West Chester, Ohio. The Blueprint Leadership Seminar will give you the tools you need to help people develop…
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Registration for Impact Teaching – Batavia, NY

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Registration for Impact Teaching – West Chester, OH

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Registration for Blueprint Leadership Seminar – West Chester, OH

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Registration for Seeds of Faith Children’s Seminar – Batavia, NY

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Sunday School GPS

On a recent trip to Maryland, I used my phone as a GPS for the first time. The voice giving me directions seemed obsessive at times, telling me to “bear right” or “bear left” as I navigated a strange interstate.…
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Bible Puzzles from RBP

Bible Puzzles from RBP Church had been dismissed and most of the preschoolers had been collected by their parents. One toddler remained. To keep the child occupied while he waited for his parents, the teacher gave him a puzzle. The boy happily emptied the…
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Setting Goals for Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is more than a few days of fun for kids or a week of Bible stories and crafts, games and snacks, singing, laughter, and fun. VBS can be an effective outreach ministry. Meaningful, Effective Ministry VBS offers…
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Why a Nursery Curriculum?

“It’s the nursery. Just feed them, change them, and keep them out of their parents’ hair. That’s all there is to it. After all, they’re just babies.” This is how many people view their church’s nursery ministry. They see it…
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The Christmas Stand-ins

The Christmas Stand-ins A typical American family, the Allworths are in the throes of a minor crisis. Ernest Allworth—who, at his worst, can be a bit of a pessimist and a hypochondriac—fears he will be laid off. Shirley Allworth, an optimist and meticulous…
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RBP Curriculum Revision

Four Year Revision Project Draws to a Close The project was audacious and ambitious: Revise the entire children’s Sunday School curriculum and create a new line of products for the Middler age group. Perhaps “revision” isn’t even the best word…
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Character Needed: Drama Skits for Kids!

Character Needed: Drama Skits for Kids! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Character Needed: Bible Drama Scripts for Kids Children love to act—and they learn by doing. Character Needed is a collection of 33 dramatic skits based on the character qualities found in Proverbs 15. Children will learn about…
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Weighed by the Word

Weighed by the Word FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Weighed by the Word With so much pressure to be body conscious, women often find themselves discouraged or dissatisfied with their physical frame. This 11-lesson Bible study offers insights into why God gave us bodies. It explores…
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Ready for Christmas

Ready for Christmas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ready for Christmas Simple. Hassle-Free. Low Budget. Thoughtful. Wait . . . are we still talking about Christmas? And since when was a Christmas program ever “hassle free”? This year, celebrate Christmas with a quiet, thoughtful reflection…
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Parenting FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Parenting Parenting is a work in progress, not just a phase of family life that ends when the nest is empty. God planned parenting to be this way, giving clear instructions in the Bile for the progressive…
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Truth Travelers, New RBP Middler curriculum

Truth Travelers, New RBP Middler curriculum “Third and fourth graders are like sponges—eager to soak up whatever you have to teach them,” says Andrea Chamberlain, an editorial assistant for Regular Baptist Press. But she also admits that teaching middlers can be both exciting and exhausting. “By…
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Glimpses of God: Revealed through His Names

Glimpses of God: Revealed through His Names FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Glimpses of God: Revealed through His Names How many names do you have? Are you Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Honey, Teacher? What does each name reveal about you? Are your names interchangeable? Or are some special between…
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Family Life

Family Life FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Family Life What is a family? Is it merely a group of people living in the same house? Our culture defines “family” without providing an absolute description of what a normal family looks like. But the family…
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Teaching Sunday School Is a ‘Holy Cause’

The editors and artists at Regular Baptist Press still agree with Robert Ketcham’s philosophy: Making solidly Biblical, Baptist curriculum is a holy cause, and our material is ideally suited for churches who desire Sunday School curriculum of the very highest…
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Showing and Sharing My Faith

Showing and Sharing My Faith FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Showing and Sharing My Faith God has commanded believers to witness, but sharing our faith can be scary. Many believers don’t do it simply because it seems intimidating. A Biblical view of evangelism – when accepted and…
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The Heart of a Servant

The Heart of a Servant FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Heart of a Servant Everyone seems to be talking about “servant leadership” these days. But what does the Bible teach us about being a true servant? What are the characteristics a servant should display? These six…
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